Pot domov: potovalna torba Rajka Paulina
1. 12. 2015–29. 2. 2016
Potovalna torba Rajka Paulina z njegovim taboriščnim imetjem je del razstavnega projekta Pot domov, s katerim obeležujemo stoletnico začetka bojev ob reki Soči (1915 – 2015) in sedemdesetletnico konca druge svetovne vojne (1945 – 2015).
Začutite, kar čutijo nedolžni
17. 11. 2015–10. 12. 2015
Razstava otroških risb iz obleganih Nubskih gora v Sudanu avtorjev Bojane Pivk Križnar in Toma Križnarja.
Joseph Podlesnik: Surfaces
2. 10. 2015–2. 11. 2015
Using a variety of locations around Phoenix, Arizona (US), the artist’s home since 2009, Surfaces is a pictorial study of the surprising visual confluence and tension between flat surfaces and spatial depth, using digital photography. City Museum Café will host the exhibition from 1 October until 2 November 2015.
H2OLLAND - Living with Water
29. 9. 2015–31. 1. 2016
The Netherlands would be largely inhabitable without its flood defence and water management structures. A majority of the country is below the sea level; storm water and rivers present additional danger.
The Supra-relic
The Shroud of La Higuera
10. 9. 2015–15. 11. 2015
Do not miss the mysterious image of ERNESTO CHE GUEVARA. Miracle and forgery, a work of art or a relic? In the City Museum's Treasury will be on display until Friday, 15 November 2015.
24. 6. 2015–8. 5. 2016
We exist on a water planet.70% of its surface is covered by water and 97% of it is salt water, 2% is fresh water in the form of ice and only the remaining 1% is drinking water, which is divided around the planet very irregularly. The Slovenian capital with its hinterland can boast rich water resources that enabled 5,000 years of continuous habitation and are still freely accessible today.
Museums Connect: Albanian Community at the MGML
19. 5. 2015–20. 6. 2015
We cordially invite you to a visit to the exhibition Museums Connect: Albanian Community at the MGML, on display at the City Museum of Ljubljana from 20 May to 20 June 2015.
Fabiani's Heritage in Ljubljana
21. 4. 2015–17. 6. 2016
In 2015 we are celebrating the 150th anniversary of Max Fabiani’s birth. The museum is commemorating the anniversary of the famous architect and urban planner with Fabiani’s Legacy in Ljubljana. The exhibition presents Fabiani’s regulation plans that outlined the long-term urban development of Ljubljana after the 1895 earthquake, as well as his other executed works in Ljubljana.
Emona Returns, exhibition of puppets
2. 4. 2015–14. 6. 2015
On Thursday, 2 April, at 5.00 pm we opened the exhibition of puppets created by preschoolers, school pupils and families for the Little Museum competition. Every received work showed plenty of imagination and interest in how the citizens of Emona lived.The exhibition will be on display until 14 June 2015.
Bogastvo in raznolikost klekljanih čipk na Slovenskem
8. 1. 2015–1. 2. 2015
V kavarni Mestnega muzeja je na ogled razstava Bogastvo in raznolikost klekljanih čipk na Slovenskem, katero so se slovenske klekljarice julija 2014 odmevno predstavile na 16. svetovnem čipkarskem kongresu OIDFA v Adelajdi v Južni Avstraliji.
Svet pod prsti
2. 12. 2014–20. 12. 2014
Da bi slepim in slabovidnim otrokom omogočili polnejše življenje, so študentke in študenti študijskega programa 2. stopnje smeri Inkluzivna pedagogika na Pedagoški fakulteti Koper, Univerze na Primorskem izdelali različne pripomočke, igrače in tipne slikanice, ki otrokom s posebnimi potrebami omogočajo polnejše življenje.
Farewell, Factory. Memories of Forgotten Workers
20. 6. 2014–5. 9. 2014
The exhibition Farwell, Factory. Memories of Forgotten Workers presents stories from ten of Ljubljana's factories: Dekorativna Ljubljana fabric factory, Tiskarna Mladinska knjiga printing plant, Pletenina textile factory, Tobačna Ljubljana tobacco plant, Tiskarna Ljudske pravice printing plant, Iron foundry in Šiška, Avtomontaža workshop and the factories of Gorenje Tiki and Rog.
Emona: a City of the Empire
30. 5. 2014–31. 5. 2015
With the Emona: a City of the Empire exhibition, the City Museum of Ljubljana is joining the citywide celebration of the 2000th anniversary of Emona, the first urban settlement in the area of today's Ljubljana. Enter the world of remarkable Roman achievements and Emona’s echoes in the 20th century.
Ancient Roman silver tableware found outside imperial frontiers
30. 5. 2014–31. 8. 2014
The Hildesheim Treasure ranks among the biggest silver hoards from the period when the Roman Republic was being transformed into an empire.
Accompanying exhibition of the Wheel, 5200 Years project
Underwater archaeological research
1. 4. 2014–20. 4. 2014
The last accompanying exhibition of the Wheel, 5200 Years exhibition, titled Underwater Archaeological Research, was created in collaboration with the Institute of Maritime archaeology. It presents the complex archaeological research done in the last five years in the Ljubljanica and its tributaries.
An accompanying exhibition of the Wheel, 5200 Years exhibition
The prehistoric cart
20. 3. 2014–30. 3. 2014
The current accompanying exhibition is a product of a successful collaboration with the interested public. The exhibition's author, Andrej Pretnar, is an architect with an interest in innovations, while also admiring the works of our predecessors. The maker of the prehistoric cart inspired him to such a degree to name him »Master craftsman« and to make a study and a reconstruction of the oldest cart.
A totally special exhibition
Pile dwellers through the eyes of children
12. 3. 2014–20. 4. 2014
Participants of the »Little Museum« project, our museum collaborators aged 9 to 14, prepared an exhibition titled Pile dwellers through the eyes of children, which will showcase various pile-dwelling models and ingenious drawings and paintings of various scenes from a prehistoric pile dwelling. All works were selected through a competition aimed at families, kindergartens and schools.
Pustni kostum Šahovska kraljica
18. 2. 2014–5. 3. 2014
Ste vedeli, da so v obdobju med obema vojnama v Ljubljani prirejali Črno-belo reduto – elitni pustni ples? Udeležila se ga je tudi Ljubljančanka, ki se je domiselno preobrazila v Šahovsko kraljico. Pustni kostum šahovske kraljice iz 30. let 20. stoletja je na ogled v kavarni Mestnega muzeja med 18. februarjem in 5. marcem.
An accompanying exhibition of the Wheel, 5200 Years
The preservation of wood from wet environments
12. 2. 2014–2. 3. 2014
The exhibition's authors; Assoc. Prof. David Stopar, Katja Kavkler, Phd, Irena Šinkovec and Katarina Toman Kracina are presenting contemporary activities on the field of wet wood preservation in Slovenia. The show will also display several preserved objects and you will be able to touch water-filled wood samples.
UNESCO - World Heritage
8. 1. 2014–9. 2. 2014
The UNESCO organisation is the focus of this year's first accompanying exhibition of the Wheel - 5,200 Years.