Wedding present. Furniture designed by Zoran Didek. From the collection of the City Museum of Ljubljana
19. 5. 2018–23. 9. 2018
This exhibition showcases the early design work of Zoran Didek, in particular the living room furniture designed by Didek for his cousin Ana (also “Anica”) Jančigaj. The furniture that had been given to her by her family as a wedding present was acquired by the City Museum of Ljubljana in 2017.
Find your own favourite period in Ljubljana’s history!
Ljubljana. History. City.Discover the Spirit of the City!
Permanent exhibition
How well do you know the rich history of Slovenian capital? Pile-dwellers, Emona, Middle and New Ages, the 20th and 21st centuries… what is the history of Ljubljana? Get to know Ljubljana's past - see the chronological presentation of Ljubljana’s millennia of heritage with precious authentic artefacts, like the world's oldest wooden wheel with an axle!
A tombstone of a veteran of Legio XV ApollinarisFrom the Treasury of the City Museum of Ljubljana
13. 4. 2018–3. 6. 2018
The tombstone from arcaeological research on Gosposvetska street brings new findings of the first generation of settlers in the Roman city of Iulia Emona.
Sealed medallion containing an incantation
1. 1. 2018–31. 3. 2018
Among the numerous archaeological discoveries on the site of the Church of St. Peter, in Njegoševa Street, a bronze medallion made from two thin bronze plates and an engraved shallow figural relief, attracted special attention from researches. Within the medallion, conservators discovered a folded piece of paper, which proved to be a protective text against curses. Are you curious what it says? Find out in the Treasury of the City Museum of Ljubljana.
New Acquisitions 2017
12. 12. 2017–8. 2. 2018
It is 110 years since the City of Ljubljana began assembling its art collection with the purchase of its first oil painting. To mark this important anniversary, the two artworks acquired this year are being put on display, along with a number of donated works.
Medieval Ljubljana
14. 11. 2017–2. 5. 2018
Remarkable discoveries, shifting the beginnings of medieval Ljubljana back to circa 1000 AD.
Art works salvaged from the fire-damaged Zalog Mansion
Hic procul a curis / This is far from the cares
13. 6. 2017–15. 10. 2017
By showcasing traces of the former splendour of Zalog Mansion, this exhibition presents the building’s Baroque renovation undertaken by Count Orfeo Strassoldo and carried out by renowned artists of that time, including the fresco painter Franc Jelovšek (1725), the sculptor Angelo Putti (c. 1712) and the architect Carlo Martinuzzi (1709–1713). Together they created one of the most beautiful secular Baroque total works of art in what is today Slovenia.
Otroci brez otroštva, razstava plakatov
23. 3. 2017–25. 5. 2017
Na razstavi Otroci brez otroštva predstavljamo plakate na temo problematike otroškega dela po svetu, ki so jih udeleženci projekta Muzej v malem zbrali na natečaju za osnovne šole in družine. Plakati ozaveščajo javnost in opozarjajo na kruto realnost otrok, ki še vedno nimajo možnosti izbire med brezskrbnim otroštvom in delom v tovarnah.
A Roman pavement beneath Slovenska cesta
8. 2. 2017–30. 9. 2017
In the Treasury of the City museum of Ljubljana do not miss recently discovered and just conservated Roman pavement from beneath Slovenska cesta, made in opus signinum technique.
Industry – Labour – Capital
A New Age is Coming!
27. 10. 2016–3. 9. 2017
Today it is golden shopping carts that are bringing us to the new age. In the past, privatisation vouchers, large home appliances, self-management, games of military hide-and-seek, the earliest trade fairs, the struggle for workers’ rights, the first factories and factory-owners were likewise bringing us to new ages.
16. 6. 2016–8. 1. 2017
The World Lace Congress in Ljubljana gave us the opportunity to present a historical overview and the rich heritage of lace. The exhibition also offers an insight into the contemporary development and usage of this unique and singular craft of human hands and minds within modern art and fashion design. The exhibition of bobbin and needle lace at the City Museum of Ljubljana ends on 8 January 2017.
Roman doctor's grave from the Slovenska Street
9. 6. 2016–18. 1. 2017
During the renovation of the Slovenska Street in the spring of 2015, archaeologists came across an incredible discovery of an almost 2000 years old Roman grave. The anthropological analysis of the bones and numerous grave goods, preserved under the stone lid for almost two millennia, point towards the fact that this was a grave of a female doctor, a surgeon, from the colony of Emona in the second half of the 1st century AD.
Sebastião Salgado: Genesis
31. 5. 2016–11. 9. 2016
As one of the main cultural projects of the 2016 European Green Capital, the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana is presenting the momentous exhibition Genesis, a project by the world-renowned photographer Sebastião Salgado.
Exhibition in Commemoration of the 60th March along the Barbed Wire
Ljubljana Encircled by Barbed Wire (1942–1945)
19. 4. 2016–22. 5. 2016
The exhibition Ljubljana Encircled by Barbed Wire (1942–1945) displays a special kind of terror which Ljubljana experienced during the Italian occupation in World War II.
Ljubljanica, photography exhibition at the Krakovski nasip embankment
15. 3. 2016–14. 4. 2016
The Ljubljanica riverbed and its banks were declared a cultural monument of national importance in 2003. The river’s connection with the rich cultural landscape of the Ljubljana Basin is a unique phenomenon that, due to its rare preservation, vastly enriches the cultural space of the Southeast Alps way beyond our national borders. The exhibition at the Krakovski nasip embankment, on view between 15 March and 14 April, displays the most recent results of the underwater archaeological research made on the of Roman dugout canoe found in Vrhnika.
Though long for its beauties Ljubljana was known
8. 2. 2016–8. 2. 2016
The 200th anniversary of Julija Primic (1816–1864), the muse of France Prešeren and his poetry, will be commemorated with an exhibition of a ball dress, which was tailored after Langus’ famous portrait of Julija Primic. The young woman is depicted in a fashionable white Biedermeier dress and draped with a blue veil. On view on 8 February!
Ljubljana. For you.
8. 2. 2016–8. 5. 2016
Ljubljana is proud to be European Green Capital 2016! This prestogious title from the European Commision is a great honour and the highest recognition of our efforts to reach the primary goal of ensuring a high quality of life of our citizens in a beautiful and healthy environment.
Accompanying exhibition of WATER
Water in Roman Emona
8. 2. 2016–5. 6. 2016
For the Slovenian Cultural Holiday, 8 February, we are opening a new show connected with the exhibition WATER that will present engineering achievements of Roman Emona. The exhibition will display a Roman stone altar, which was found during archaeological excavations at the Slovenska Street. The exhibition, hosted by the City Museum of Ljubljana, ends on 8 May 2016.
photography exhibition
One Planet, One Water
3. 12. 2015–1. 2. 2016
Water has been associated with the creation of our planet and the existence of human beings. A building block of the planet Earth, water covers almost three thirds of its surface – which is almost the same ratio as within the human body. Water was also precisely what inspired these photographers, travellers and humanitarians to take pictures and display them at the One Planet, One Water exhibition in Ljubljana’s Tivoli Park. Their works demonstrate beauty, remind us of the injustices, chronicle life and search for inspiration.
First Pile Dwellings Discovery on the Ljubljana Marsh
An Enormous Find
3. 12. 2015–4. 2. 2016
2015 marked the 140th anniversary of the discovery of the pile dwellings in the Ljubljana Marshes. To commemorate the anniversary, the City Museum of Ljubljana is currently hosting the exhibition An Enormous Find - First Pile Dwellings discovery on Ljubljana Marsh. Exclusively on display for this exhibition is also the oldest wooden wheel in the world. The wheel will be displayed at the museum's Treasury Room until 4 February 2016.