

Odkrijmo umetnost, razkrijmo lepoto!
Odkrijmo umetnost, razkrijmo lepoto!Komunikacijska akcija podprta s priložnostno razstavo
25. 4. 2023–20. 8. 2023
Muzeji smo včasih nepričakovano deležni medijske pozornosti globalnih razsežnosti. In to ne nujno zaradi razstave, ki jo odpiramo. Včasih se delu javnosti naše zbirke ali to, kako jih interpretiramo, zdi kontroverzno in tako se znajdemo v središču zanimanja medijev in splošne javnosti. 
Ancient walls for modern people
Ancient walls for modern people10 years of adventures in the Archaeological Park Emona
6. 4. 2023–8. 10. 2023
The Emona Archaeological Park, with its 2000-year-old remains of the Roman colony of Emona, forms part of Ljubljana city centre. Development of the park began in the 1930s. During the most recent restoration work, 10 years ago, we decided to protect and revitalise the Emonan remains by creating an exciting programme and encouraging the public to visit. Today, where ancient walls once stood, we now create, learn and amuse ourselves.
Oton Župančič: Drawings
Oton Župančič: Drawings“Pinxi me ergo sum” / “I have painted myself, therefore I am"
30. 3. 2023–1. 10. 2023
 The exhibition presents 158 artworks from seven sketchbooks and folders with individual drawings, which could be often distinguished by the same impulses we encounter in his poetry.
A mysterious grave without a body
A mysterious grave without a bodyTwo Emonan burials in Argentina Park
8. 2. 2023–14. 1. 2024
In July and August 2022, during renovation of the hot water supply system in Argentina Park, archaeological research was carried out in the area between Štefanova ulica and Puharjeva ulica. The excavations uncovered part of Roman Emona’s northern cemetery. At one time, this would have extended along the road leading to Celeia (today’s Celje).
Milan Rijavec (1922–2018)
Milan Rijavec (1922–2018)From the 20th and 21st Century Art Collection
6. 9. 2022–26. 2. 2023
We are continuing our series of exhibitions and publications dedicated to the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana’s art collection from the 20th and 21st century.
Plečnik: The Metropolis, Place, Garden
Plečnik: The Metropolis, Place, Garden
22. 6. 2022–27. 8. 2023
Don't miss the exhibition that sheds light on Plečnik’s architectural oeuvre and unveils numerous innovative ideas and techniques, which this multifaceted artist used in his diverse fields of creative work. The exhibition offers an opportunity for a reflection on Plečnik’s ideas and an artistic view of them in the 21st century.
dr. Otmar Pirkmajer
dr. Otmar PirkmajerForgotten Elites
5. 5. 2022–28. 8. 2022
The unusual life story of Dr Otmar Pirkmajer, the first rector of the UNRRA University “Free Europe”, which was founded in Munich in 1946 by the United Nations and where non-German refugees and other displaced persons taught and studied in the wake of the Second World War. The life of Dr Otmar Pirkmajer, lawyer, journalist, politician and a man who had survived the Dachau concentration camp twice, is the record of a remarkable and lesser-known personal story that unfolded during the ceaseless historical twists and turns of the 20th century
Fragile riches from Emonan graves
International Year of Glass 2022
Fragile riches from Emonan gravesRoman glassware from Dunajska cesta
10. 2. 2022–29. 1. 2023
The results of current archaeological research exhibited at the museum's treasury.
URBAN PROPHECIESLife in Ljubljana in 2100
27. 1. 2022–17. 4. 2022
Are we capable to think the future?
4. 11. 2021–16. 1. 2022
A life of empty streets, tweets, food deliveries, remote work and school, reports on the first infected and all that followed, …
Raziskovalni projekt intermedijske umetnice Valerie Wolf Gang
17. 9. 2021–26. 9. 2021
Bodi to, kar si, vse drugo je že zasedeno. Oscar Wilde 
The 20th and 21st Century Art Collection
The 20th and 21st Century Art CollectionAcquisitions 2011 to 2021
26. 8. 2021–17. 10. 2021
The Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana (MGML) was set up as a public institution in 2009, following a merger between a number of previously independent galleries and the City Museum of Ljubljana. We have been collecting artworks under this new name for more than a decade now, thereby continuing a tradition that was begun over a hundred years ago, in 1907, by the then mayor of Ljubljana, Ivan Hribar.
The Red and the Black
An exhibition dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Congress of Ljubljana
The Red and the BlackEurope at the 1821 Congress of Ljubljana
18. 6. 2021–24. 4. 2022
In 2021, during the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the exhibition associates Ljubljana and Slovenia with their historical and current roles in the European international relations.
Ljubljana during the War for Slovenia in 1991
The 30th anniversary of the Republic of Slovenia
Ljubljana during the War for Slovenia in 1991
26. 3. 2021–15. 8. 2021
The exhibition, prepared to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Slovenia, is a reminiscence of the events in the Slovenian capital at the time.
Robertina Šebjanič: Co_sonic 1884 km2
Robertina Šebjanič: Co_sonic 1884 km2
24. 3. 2021–24. 3. 2021
The audio-visual installation by Robertina Šebjanič, which will be on view on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. in the Ambrožev trg square park, is the third in a series of projects taking place in the run-up to the opening of Cukrarna.
When in Doubt, Go to a Museum
For art lovers and art collectors!
When in Doubt, Go to a MuseumThe exhibition is extended
26. 1. 2021–16. 5. 2021
When in Doubt, Go to a Museum is an exhibition highlighting the important role played by art collectors. It has been put together by a team from the City Museum of Ljubljana, with Tevž Logar as guest curator.
Late Antique gravestone from Gosposvetska Street
A monument erected by devoted parents
Late Antique gravestone from Gosposvetska StreetFrom Museum Treasury
21. 12. 2020–24. 8. 2021
From the first third of the 4th century CE to the early part of the 5th, there was a cemetery beneath present-day Gosposvetska Street, to the west of the main northern approach road to the Roman Emona. The cemetery had grown up around a structure that contained a number of graves and that had been built there in the second half of the 3rd century. The oldest of these graves, which are probably early Christian, was of a woman and contained a blue glass bowl.
Baroque painter Andrej Herrlein (1738–1817)
Just opened
Baroque painter Andrej Herrlein (1738–1817)Nove spletne vsebine
19. 12. 2020–28. 2. 2021
In the 18th century, in central Slovenia, with Ljubljana as the focal point, Baroque art flourished in all the fields of the arts and crafts. It was particularly strongly expressed in fine art, which was by far the most creative and stylistically distinguishable. 
Virtual exhibition
OLD PATTERNS, NEW LACESPatterns of the DOZ Ljubljana
23. 9. 2020–19. 12. 2020