

Festival INDIGO: Now is Too late
Festival INDIGO: Now is Too late
8. 9. 2020–11. 9. 2020
The fifth edition of the Indigo Festival will take place under the title "Now is Too Late" and under the circumstances set by our new reality. Freedom of culture and thought thus now carries that much more weight to prevent us succumbing to the lethargy and powerlessness injected by the current sociopolitical situation.
1 ticket to 11 museums
1 ticket to 11 museumsLjubljana museums’ collective special offer for the summer
1. 7. 2020–30. 8. 2020
This is the time to see the treasures of Slovene heritage!
Corona Project
Call for local communitiy. Content mainly in Slovene language.
Corona ProjectWhen corona goes to the museum
25. 3. 2020–30. 6. 2022
Corona collection project
Ljubljana. History. City. goes virtual
Sorry, we got it only in Slovene language
Ljubljana. History. City. goes virtual
19. 3. 2020–31. 3. 2021
For content in English, visit Ljubljana. History, City site.
Živimo zgodovino
#ostanidomaNaj muzej pride k tebi
15. 3. 2020–30. 4. 2020
Na dajavo, brez osebnih srečanj in z veliko željo, da se kmalu spet vidimo, vas v teh nenavadnih časih s spletnimi vsebinami in prošnjami po sodelovanju vabimo, da ostanete v stiku z nami.
The first major excavations of Emona
The history of the exploration of Emona goes back several centuries and is full of thrills and exciting finds, of things forgotten and rediscovered.
The first major excavations of EmonaArchaeology from a historical perspective
17. 12. 2019–6. 9. 2020
Major restoration works carried out in Ljubljana over the last two decades, along with the rescue excavations that accompanied them, have again put Emona, our capital’s Roman predecessor, in the spotlight. Once more we have seen that almost everywhere in Ljubljana we have Roman remains beneath our feet.
Razstava slovenskih penin
Vodstva in degustacije vsako polno uro, med 10. in 16. uro.
Razstava slovenskih peninSodelovanje BIC Ljubljana, Mestnega muzeja Ljubljana in Turizma Ljubljana
3. 12. 2019–5. 12. 2019
Ste vedeli, da imamo v Sloveniji več kot 200 različnih penin?
A major exhibition about the achievements of the Early Modern Period in Ljubljana
BOOK. KNOWLEDGE. REASON.From Protestantism to Enlightenment (1500–1800)
14. 11. 2019–31. 10. 2020
Our annual exhibition Book. Knowledge. Reason. presents the processes and events that encouraged and fostered the cultural and spiritual development in Ljubljana from the end of the 15th to the beginning of the 19th century – from humanism and Protestantism to the Enlightenment.
Plečnik and the Sacred. Jože Plečnik, Slovenian Architect and Designer
From Vatican Museums to the City Museum of Ljubljana
Plečnik and the Sacred. Jože Plečnik, Slovenian Architect and Designer
26. 9. 2019–8. 12. 2019
[THE EXHIBITION IS PROLONGED UNTIL 8 DECEMBER 2019] Jože Plečnik was not just a master of monumental architecture; he was also an exceptional designer of sacred objects. After an exceptional response from visitors at Vatican Museums, the exhibition with 33 selected objects of the Plečnik liturgical vessels will be exclusively presented also at the City Museum of Ljubljana as part of the celebration of the European Cultural Heritage days.
(Ne)odkrita arheologija Ljubljane
(Ne)odkrita arheologija LjubljaneArchaeological Heritage in Urban Space
7. 6. 2019–8. 9. 2019
Archaeological research of Gosposvetska cesta, Slovenska cesta, Prešernova cesta, Erjavčeva cesta, Tribuna, Križanke, Dalmatinova ulica, Vegova ulica (KGBL) and the area of the University of Ljubljana.
Was ist Kunst Hugo Ball
Greek Orthodox icons framed in the IRWIN style
Was ist Kunst Hugo BallIRWIN
24. 5. 2019–15. 9. 2019
In the Was ist Kunst Hugo Ball exhibition, Orthodox icons are confronted by IRWIN-framed Dada works, in line with Dionysius' invocation.
Icons from the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Sergiev Posad State History and Art Museum and the Yaroslavl Art Museum
ICONSTreasures from Russian Museums
24. 5. 2019–15. 9. 2019
Experience the splendour of world heritage at this exhibition of priceless Russian icons!
Honorary Citizens of Ljubljana
Honorary Citizens of LjubljanaRecipients of the title and honour as witnesses of the city's history
24. 4. 2019–8. 9. 2019
Both the exhibition and catalogue will present recipients of the title and honour as witnesses of the city's history.
Oskar Kogoj
Oskar Kogoj donated a series of his posters to the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana collection.
Oskar KogojExhibition of posters and objects by Oskar Kogoj
9. 4. 2019–5. 5. 2019
Oskar Kogoj, one of the most prominent Slovenian designers, has donated a series of his posters to the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana collection.
The transparent blue glass bowl
The most stunning artifact recovered beneath Gosposvetska Street.
The transparent blue glass bowlIts Greek inscription reads: "Drink to live forever, for many years!"
7. 2. 2019–31. 10. 2019
The transparent blue glass bowl found next to the woman’s body. The 1,700-year old vessel is decorated on the outside with grapes, and vine leafs and tendrils. A Greek inscription on the inside of the bowl instructs the owner to “Drink to live forever, for many years!” 
Emonan girl’s golden jewellery
Rare find of a child’s sarcophagus in Gosposvetska Street
Emonan girl’s golden jewellery
7. 12. 2018–3. 2. 2019
In 2017 and 2018 excavations were carried out in Gosposvetska Street, Ljubljana, by the Archaeological Consortium for Ljubljana, under the auspices of the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana.
Elza Kastl Obereigner (1884–1973), a sculptor and painter
Was Elza Kastl Obereigner the first Slovenian female sculptor?
Elza Kastl Obereigner (1884–1973), a sculptor and painter
11. 10. 2018–17. 3. 2019
Elza Kastl Obereigner was once known as "slovenian last miniaturist". Now we are presenting her oeuvre in sculpture.
Art Nouveau valovanje: arhitekturna dediščina v Podonavju
Fotografska razstava
Art Nouveau valovanje: arhitekturna dediščina v Podonavju
7. 7. 2018–25. 7. 2018
Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije in Mestni muzej Ljubljana vabita na razstavo Art Nouveau valovanje: arhitekturna dediščina v Podonavju v atrij Mestnega muzeja Ljubljana. 
Ivan Cankar
Cankar’s Year
Ivan Cankar
19. 6. 2018–7. 4. 2019
2018 = Cankar’s Year = commemoration of the hundredth anniversary of the death of our greatest writer, and his rich body of work. The central exhibition project of the jubilee are two simultaneous exhibitions dedicated to Cankar, one at the Cankarjev dom (until 28. 2. 2019) and the other at the City Museum of Ljubljana.
AUREA CRUX. The sacred and myth in Langobard gold
From the Treasury of the City Museum of Ljubljana
AUREA CRUX. The sacred and myth in Langobard gold
5. 6. 2018–30. 9. 2018
The six Lombard crosses on exhibition, made of thin gold sheet, are presented to the public for the first time following the excavation of a large burial site in 2012 and restoration under the aegis of the National Archaeological Museum of Cividale del Friuli. Cividale was in fact the capital of the first of the thirty-five duchies established by the Lombards throughout the Italian peninsula, in this way laying the foundations for one of the most important chapters of European history.