Miki Muster (1925–2018)Exhibition on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth
22. 10. 2025–22. 2. 2026
With selected photo documents and objects, the exhibition will bring to life the time when the whole world came to life in Ljubljana with cartoons, commercials and film.
Of time and stoneIn Roman Emona and Baroque Ljubljana/Laibach
15. 9. 2025–29. 3. 2026
The study of stones from the periods of ancient art and architecture and the Baroque.
Archaeological park Emona
15. 5. 2025–15. 9. 2025
A special place in Ljubljana's history is reserved for Roman Emona, the traces of which have been preserved in the very centre of the city.Welcome to a trail tracing the 2000-year-old heritage of Emona. A walk through modern Ljubljana can take you further than you think! It takes you to the time of Emona, a city brimming with life between the first century and early sixth century.
1495 days.Ljubljana During World War II
24. 4. 2025–12. 4. 2026
Razstava bo v ospredje postavila vprašanja osebnih odločitev, okupatorjevega nasilja, organiziranja odpora v mestu ter vsakdanjega življenja prebivalcev v vojni.
Billiard Room Decor.Frescoes from Križ Manor, Komenda
10. 4. 2025–26. 9. 2025
To accompany The Baroque in Slovenia, a major exhibition organised by the National Gallery of Slovenia and the National Museum of Slovenia, the City Museum of Ljubljana will be presenting Joseph Mayr’s frescoes from the now-demolished Križ Manor in Komenda.
New Roman discoveries beneath Emonika.Traces of the past in the modern city
25. 2. 2025–1. 6. 2025
An exhibition of archaeological findings discovered during the construction of the multifunctional Emonika complex not only unveils the past but also establishes an important connection between the city's history and its future. Just as ancient Emona was a significant urban centre, Emonika in modern Ljubljana will represent a new crossroad of life, culture and innovation.
Spaces of Movement40 years of Ljubljana’s LGBT Community
24. 10. 2024–23. 3. 2025
On the spaces for gathering, support, and organized advocacy of the LGBT movement, which have been shaping the urban culture and social life of the capital for 40 years.
The exhibition is linked to the From Corset to Jacket. How the People of Ljubljana Dressed, 1850–1950 project.
Button Finds from Ljubljana CastleFrom Ornament to Function
18. 9. 2024–8. 2. 2025
During archaeological research at Ljubljana Castle, a proper button making workshop was documented. It was in operation in the 19th century, during a time when the castle building had been turned into a penitentiary.
Razširjamo in raziskujemo teme iz zgodovine Ljubljane.
The Unknown Kingdom“Illyria or what you will”
6. 6. 2024–29. 9. 2024
In 1897, a cycling club in Ljubljana was named after Ilirija (Illyria), in 1904 a street, in 1911 a football club, somewhere in the years before WWI, a chemical products factory, and finally in 1929, Ilirija got its own monument.
Ob razstavi Od korzeta do žaketa
Bogastvo oblačilnih sponk iz EmoneZapenjanje v času pred gumbi
18. 5. 2024–15. 9. 2024
Kako so si Emončani zapenjali obleke, ko še niso poznali gumbov?
Ivan Cankar Memorial Room
1. 5. 2024–27. 10. 2024
Ivan Cankar, a Slovenian author, playwright and essayist born in 1876 in Vrhnika, spent a few years of his life in Ljubljana. Having returned from Vienna to Ljubljana, he established himself on Rožnik Hill which today forms part of the Tivoli, Rožnik and Šišenski hrib landscape park.
CHALLENGE: TOMORROW'S YESTERDAYThe Secondary School of Design and Photography Ljubljana
17. 4. 2024–23. 2. 2025
The central theme of the final assignment was Challenge: Tomorrow’s Yesterday, developed in collaboration with the City Museum of Ljubljana. Each student set off on a journey exploring paintings, portraits and objects exhibited in the museum. Next, they immersed into the theme and searched for inspiration, which culminated in the prodigious diversity of collections thus developed.
LJBLJNČN/BLACKThe Faculty of Design
17. 4. 2024–23. 2. 2025
In developing their design concept, 1st and 2nd year students in the Faculty of Design’s Fashion and Textiles track drew on the City Museum of Ljubljana’s permanent collection.
From Corset to JacketHow the People of Ljubljana Dressed, 1850–1950
11. 4. 2024–23. 2. 2025
Join us on a journey through time with an exhibition on significant changes in the world of clothing. The exhibition will open the doors to the world of dressing as a distinct form of communication, revealing societal shifts and individual milestones that influenced the decisions of our ancestors on how to dress.
Gostujoča razstava Muzeja mesta Zagreb
Ivan Standl - a Zagreb photographerVisiting exhibition of the Zagreb City Museum
12. 3. 2024–5. 5. 2024
The legacy of portrait and field photography of the city of Zagreb in the 19th century.
Priložnostna razstava kolažev in besedil ob razstavi Slovenske umetnice v obdobju 1850–1950
7. 2. 2024–25. 2. 2024
Razmišljanje in likovno ustvarjanje dijakinj in dijakov 1. letnikov Gimnazije Poljane po ogledu razstave Slovenske umetnice v Mestnem muzeju Ljubljana.
The silver beaker from a castle table settingTreasure from the medival castle on top of Jeterbenk
1. 2. 2024–12. 5. 2024
The Silver Beaker was found on the northern slope of Jeterbenk Hill, not far from the remains of the towered castle of the Spanheim ministerials, the Hertenbergers.
View from the Other SideExperts United to Preserve Our Common Cultural Heritage
26. 10. 2023–18. 2. 2024
Visitors looking at the objects on display and delving into their stories rarely think about how much effort and knowledge has gone into preserving them. How and who preserved these items which, due to age and other circumstances, should have perished long ago?
TURN INTO THE WALLNew mural on the museum inner facade
Permanent exhibition
A tribute to the museum as a place of encounter and dialogue.
What the girls should have known?
Slovenian women artists 1850–1950Painters, sculptors.
12. 10. 2023–25. 2. 2024
The exhibition focuses on women painters and sculptors who presented themselves to the public during the selected period and who, despite the social conventions of the time, established themselves in the public space.