Finžgar and Plečnik
Finžgar in Plečnik ob obisku cerkve na Dolenjskem (izrez), ok. 1935 © Fototeka dr. Janez Bogataj
There should be no barriers between good friends!

Finžgar and Plečnik

Exhibition about friendship

16. 10. 2020–7. 3. 2021

Fran Saleški Finžgar (1871–1962) served as the priest for the parish of Trnovo from 1918 to 1936. A deep friendship developed between him and Plečnik.

The exhibition will present a selection of original letters, plans, and sketches by Plečnik, which all display his graphic design process for books and magazines. Throughout, Plečnik always had enthusiastic support from his friend and the Trnovo priest, Fran Saleški Finžgar. New archival material from the Finžgar Collection kept at the National and University Library’s Manuscript Collection will be studied and intertwined with the preserved Finžgar letters found in the Plečnik Collection. The exhibition represents our continued collaboration with Marijan Rupert, MA and Head of Manuscript Collection and Early Printed Collection at the National and University Library.

Plečnik and Finžgar agreed that there should be no barriers between good friends, which is why they decided against the renovation of the fence that once separated the parish’s garden from Plečnik’s. Finžgar would often visit Plečnik’s home for a chat, while the architect appreciated the priest’s vernacular, which was full of sayings and ideas, as well as his enthusiasm for any type of spiritual work.


Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, Plečnik house
Represented by: Blaž Peršin, director
National and University Library
Represented by: Viljem Leban, ravnatelj
Author of the exhibition and texts: Marijan Rupert, MA (NUK)
Curator of the Exhibition: Ana Porok
Professional associate: dr. Tomaž Jurca
Production of the Exhibition: Eva Bolha
Historical black and white photos: dr. Janez Bogataj Archive, National and University Library, MGML Documentation, Plečnik Collection
Photo: Andrej Peunik
Short Film: Nejc Kovačič
Design: Bojan Lazarevič, Agora Proars
Langue Editing SLO: Katja Paladin
English Translation: Matic Šavli
Promotion: Urša Karer, Nejc Kovačič
Technical Layout: O.K.vir d. o. o., Tehnična služba MGML

Special thanks: dr. Janez Bogataj, rektor Peter Kokotec in sestra Mateja Demšar, Bogoslovno semenišče v Ljubljani; župnik Tone Kompare, Župnija Trnovo.


Take part in the digital mapping of Jože Plečnik’s heritage.

20. August 2020
Plečnik House