

Lala Raščić
Lala RaščićEvil earth
10. 11. 2015–11. 12. 2015
In the residential centre CC Tobačna 001 we are hosting Lala Raščić, born in Sarajevo in 1977 and now living and working in Zagreb, Sarajevo and New Orleans. With the project Evil Earth, in which the visual and narrative forms intersect, she explores the human view of Earth under the new conditions of visuality. During her residential stay, Raščić created a complex autopoetic setting in the exhibition space, composed of heterogeneous elements: video, object and typographical works that form parts of a modular project and present a fragment of her research.
Žiga Kariž
Žiga KarižFreud, Marx and Self
15. 9. 2015–16. 10. 2015
The structure of Žiga Kariž’s works is complex and partly derives also from the modernistic tradition. With the latter the author establishes his own fine art poetics, embedded between personal memory and media image. In his latest series of paintings, he draws on Matisse’s nudes (Nu Bleu I–IV, 1952), a series of four cut-outs representing a female body with intertwining legs and an arm stretching above her head.
Luciana Kaplun
Luciana KaplunThe Squad
11. 8. 2015–11. 8. 2015
In a residential exchange with Israeli Center for Digital Art from Holon artist Luciana Kaplun stays in CC Tobačna 001. Artist was born in 1981 in Buenos Aires, and lives and works in Tel Aviv. In the project The Squad, she integrates elements of personal memory with the history of different but very similar countries: the twenty-one-year experience of living in the native land of the legendary Che Guevara is brought into an analogy with Israeli mythologisation of the heroism of guerrilla groups and subversive actions in ghettos, and culminates in the renewed interest in investigating partisanship, which has been experiencing a new upsurge in Slovenia over the recent years.
Minna Henriksson & Sezgin Boynik
Minna Henriksson & Sezgin BoynikWorks On Paper & Theses On Hardcore
14. 5. 2015–3. 7. 2015
CC Tobačna 001 is hosting two solo exhibitions by artists-in-residence Minna Henriksson and Sezgin Boynik from Finland. Minna Henriksson in her project "Works On Paper" explores themes such as nationalism, racism, economy, the erased history of the leftist struggle, politics in art, and so forth. Sociologist, writer and a conceptual artist Sezgin Boynik in his project "Theses On Hardcore" offers a consideration of hardcore.
Maruša Sagadin
Maruša SagadinTivoli
2. 4. 2015–8. 5. 2015
"Every city has its Tivoli!" In her work, Maruša Sagadin centres on the relationship between language, architecture and sculpture. In doing so, she often uses puns and polysemy to start plays of association, while simultaneously providing an insight into the transition between the original idea and the final result. She draws inspiration for her ideas from architecture, but also from pop and subculture sources.
Meta Grgurevič
Meta GrgurevičSaudade
26. 2. 2015–27. 3. 2015
In this exhibition project, Meta Grgurevič delves into a specific emotional state that the Portuguese, a nation of seafarers and musicians, call saudade. The word has no directly translatable meaning in Slovene. It describes profound longing for something and correlates with the here better known word sevdah. The mixture of emotions is associated with events and experiences that once brought happiness and now resonate with happiness and hope to relive or feel something again, despite knowing that what is being longed for might never return.
Ivan Moudov
Ivan MoudovCertificate of Authenticity
9. 1. 2015–13. 2. 2015
The result of Ivan Mouldov’s residence at the Tobačna 001 CC is an overview exhibition in the form of a catalog of the artist. Every page of the exhibited catalog is an original work of art available to the Gallery’s visitors at an affordable price. All the pages of the catalog containing reproductions of the artist’s works are for sale, as well as the pages containing texts written by different authors.
Lana Čmajčanin
Lana ČmajčaninBlank maps
5. 11. 2014–5. 11. 2014
The exhibition project of the Bosnian artist in residence will focus and discuss the changes that affected Bosnia and Herzegovina's territory in the last millennium. Through the country border changes, the artist deals with questions of military power, school system and, last but not least, gender relations.
Miha Štrukelj
Miha ŠtrukeljSomewhere in between
16. 9. 2014–17. 10. 2014
The artist Miha Štrukelj has prepared a new exhibition project for the CC Tobačna 001. His spatial installation follows a clear exploratory line that stretches back to the beginning of the new millennium and discusses urban landscape. In it he searches for simultaneous real and fictitious elements and questions the viewer's perception.
Lee Nevo
Lee NevoThe unofficial office for the removal of rebellious moral issues
5. 8. 2014–24. 8. 2014
In CC Tobačna 001 residential artist Lee Nevo is presenting a solo exhibition The unofficial office for the removal of rebellious moral issues. With his famous sentence, “Medium is the message”, the theoretician Marshall McLuhan placed the means at the focus of our culture and forced us to first look at the medium used by the Israeli artist Lee Nevo (1984, Jerusalem). Based on banding together diverse objects, Nevo’s work is formally a continuation of the line of individual artistic practices, which goes back to Duchamp and Picasso and may be recognised under the common label Found Objects.
Ovidiu Anton
Ovidiu AntonSub Fuckin Versive
12. 6. 2014–18. 7. 2014
In Cultural Centre Tobačna 001 Ovidiu Anton presents a new project. Precarious, highly contemporary, subversive... are the words being drawn on a paper by the artist...
Urša Vidic
Urša VidicUncharted
8. 5. 2014–8. 5. 2014
In Cultural Center Tobačna 001 the Slovene artist Urša Vidic will present a new project Uncharted, an ambient installation combining sculpture, drawing, and sound. The viewer enters it as if entering a story about the Earth's southernmost continent, marked by ice fields, prehistoric icebergs, and the sea covered in ice. With regard to its content, the installation reflects the artist's loyalty to the motif of a landscape, while symbolically it addresses the question of the concept time and space.
Qëndresë Deda
Qëndresë DedaHere And There
27. 3. 2014–25. 4. 2014
In Cultural Centre Tobačna 001 our resident artist Qëndresë Deda from Kosovo presents a new project which is a part of the residential exchange between Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina and MGML.
Jaša, Crystal C
Jaša, Crystal CIt feels like tiptoeing on the edge [of euphoric sense of beauty]
7. 2. 2014–7. 3. 2014
Between February 7th and March 7th, 2014 Slovene artist JAŠA presented a new two-part project Crystal C. First part, titled It feels like tiptoeing on the edge [of euphoric sense of beauty], was presented in the Tobačna Gallery, followed by the second part A place where flowers borrow colours [from those who sing] in the Match Gallery. Exhibitions are independent yet coherent in content. Both parts are connected with the live performance, cantered around elixir, which JAŠA developed with a local alchemist. 
Anna Friz
Anna FrizCity at Night // radioCona REuse CITY: REuse RADIO
16. 1. 2014–24. 1. 2014
radioCona REuseCity: REuseRadio is a research/exhibition project that takes place across an FM frequency, a gallery, and urban space. It focuses on parallel possible uses of the city and radio frequencies. radioCona REuseCity: REuseRadio brings together and presents a selection of works combining the medium of radio or sound with a certain site or place, with a special focus on nighttime. At such time the landscape becomes more ambiguous and porous to the imagination, which is underscored by nocturnal broadcasting. radioCona broadcasts at FM 88.8MHz and online every night starting around 7:15 p.m. from Wednesday 15 January until Monday 20 January 2014. 
Israeli State Artists
group exhibition
Israeli State ArtistsThe Ambivalent Funeral Procession
24. 10. 2013–22. 11. 2013
Exhibiting: Yochai Avrahami, Yael Bartana, Anat Ben-David, Yoav Ben-David, Dani Karavan*, Pil & Galia Kollectiv, Public Movement, Ilya Rabinovich, Astrid Thingplatz * Adi Englman & Omer Krieger present Dani Karavan
Nemanja Cvijanović
Nemanja CvijanovićDeath to Fascism!
29. 8. 2013–11. 10. 2013
Through the prism of these photographs, Croatian artist Nemanja Cvijanović reflects on the present, a time supposedly free of totalitarian or authoritarian tendencies. A time of democracy that protects all citizens’ human and political rights, a time that does not equate their social and private lives or subordinate them to the goals of governments. Despite all the familiar definitions of democracy, we cannot shake the feeling that we are actually living in a time in which powerful countries are expanding their political and economic dominion over less powerful ones.
The Last Five-year Period
group exhibition
The Last Five-year Period
18. 6. 2013–9. 8. 2013
Artists presented at the exhibition: Nika Autor, Jasmina Cibic, DDR and Amir Muratović, Tomaž Furlan, Janez Janša, Janez Janša and Janez Janša, Polonca Lovšin, Anja Medved, Nika Oblak and Primož Novak, Marija Mojca Pungerčar, Sašo Sedlaček.
Ibro Hasanović
Ibro HasanovićLetters
23. 4. 2013–7. 6. 2013
A memory must be acquired by someone, possessed, grasped in his hands, and sent out into the world. He must protect it from politics, oblivion, morality, from ideology, history, stark information, even from collectivization, but to preserve it he must share it with the public. 
Dušica Dražić
Dušica DražićNew City
7. 3. 2013–7. 3. 2013
The project that Dušica Dražić, an artist-in-residence at the Cultural Centre Tobačna 001 in 2011, is presenting is a utopian city of the future, a scale model comprising housing developments and office buildings, amusement centers, shopping malls, parks, hotels, schools, hospitals, court houses, railroad stations, a sports stadium, an airport – all the elements of a modern city.