

Dušica Dražić & Wim Janssen
Dušica Dražić & Wim JanssenProjektor
5. 9. 2018–20. 9. 2018
Dušica Dražić’s art practice primarily encompasses installations combining objects and video. Her works thematise spatial irregularities that offer possibilities for transformation. Wim Janssen works with a cross section of technologies and investigates the functions of audiovisual media. He usually presents the results of his investigations in the form of installations, video, or film.
Rona Stern
Rona SternThose who cannot remember the past are destined to repeat it
26. 7. 2018–31. 8. 2018
Israeli artist Rona Stern (1984) creates carefully thought out visual constructions by combining diverse elements taken from her immediate environment. 
Nikita Kadan
Nikita KadanBurned Material
5. 6. 2018–13. 7. 2018
A representative of the young generation of Ukrainian artists, Nikita Kadan is the recipient of the main PinchukArtCentre Prize in 2011 and the Future Generation Prize in 2014, a member of the art group R.E.P. (Revolutionary Experimental Space) since 2004, a founding member of the curatorial and activist union Hudrada since 2009, and a co-editor of the Kiev-based online cultural magazine Prostory. Completing his two-month residency in Ljubljana, he is presenting himself with a solo show at the Gallery 001.
Anna Zvyagintseva
Anna ZvyagintsevaExercises in the Dust
5. 6. 2018–13. 7. 2018
A representative of the young generation of Ukrainian artists, Anna Zvyagintseva is this year’s recipient of the main PinchukArtCentre Prize, a member of the curatorial and activist union Hudrada since 2010, a co-founder of ISTM (Art Workers' Self-Defence Initiative), and a co-editor of the Kiev-based online cultural magazine Prostory. Completing her two-month residency in Ljubljana, she is presenting herself with a solo show at the Gallery 001.
Boris Beja
Boris BejaDie Grüne
4. 4. 2018–18. 5. 2018
The project "Die Grüne" is a visually diversified ambient installation combining photography, ready-made, drawing, and objects. As such, it sheds light on the artist’s practice, which is at once characterised by a masterful play with different media and a confrontation of opposing content layers.
Kamen Stoyanov
Kamen StoyanovIn-visible
22. 2. 2018–23. 3. 2018
The work of the Bulgarian artist Kamen Stoyanov focuses on the questions of identity, migration, historical definitions and on topical issues regarding social and cultural development. Stoyanov always uses his own perspective, creating his works by gathering first-hand experiences of the social, artistic, cultural relations of the country he is researching at the time.
Moran Victoria Sabbag
Moran Victoria SabbagAdagio for Space
6. 12. 2017–5. 1. 2018
In her creative practice, which primarily encompasses graphic art, installations and performances, Israeli artist and violinist Moran Victoria Sabbag introduces space for interactivity and within it the possibility to subvert socially accepted norms or rules. The title of her project Adagio for Space, which consists of an installation and a performance, alludes to the artist’s reflections on sound and space. 
Marko Batista
Marko BatistaFluid particles of volcanic ash
27. 10. 2017–24. 11. 2017
Intermedia artist Marko Batista is well known for his experimental audio-visual performances and installations. His practice is based on an active use of technologies and the development of audio systems employing the do-it-yourself method. The exhibition "Fluid Particles of Volcanic Ash" is part of a multiannual project in which Marko Batista prompts the viewer to reflect on the problem of modern post-fact society in relation to technological progress.
Vladimir Nikolić
Vladimir NikolićEvent horizon
19. 9. 2017–13. 10. 2017
In his works, the Belgrade-based artist Vladimir Nikolić intertwines the questions concerning social and art systems with everyday situations and then, often in an exquisitely humorous way, combines everything into elaborate conceptual wholes.
Mike Hentz
Mike HentzEmotional Logic Systems
21. 6. 2017–28. 7. 2017
Mike Hentz designed a spatial installation for the CC Tobačna 001 in which various techniques and materials interact. The exhibition project Emotional Logic Systems moves between pure artistic imagery and metaphor. It comprises a floor work and an iconostasis showcasing a broad range of contents associated with the primary forces that drive today’s world, such as wars, energy, religion, home, family, sex...
Matej Andraž Vogrinčič
Matej Andraž VogrinčičMatches
13. 4. 2017–2. 6. 2017
For our exhibition, Vogrinčič pored over the available documentation of the Ljubljana Tobacco Factory (Tobačna tovarna) and inspected all the surviving buildings of this well-designed complex that he was given access to. In the end he decided, despite his usual practice, to install his work in the CC Tobačna 001 gallery space, a building that is currently used entirely as an art space.
Adela Jušić
Adela JušićReal but not true
24. 2. 2017–24. 3. 2017
Adela Jušić explores the history of women's resistance in the area of former Yugoslavia. By organising a resistance women not only reinforced the Liberation Front, but also challenged the patriarchal structure that existed at the time and surpassed the traditional gender roles.
Milijana Babić
Milijana BabićIt's Her Own Fault
12. 1. 2017–10. 2. 2017
The Rijeka-based artist Milijana Babić focuses on a number of studies and findings regarding the rights of the weakest and most vulnerable social groups, such as the elderly, unemployed or women. In most cases, the data shed light on the violations of human rights, as well as social norms and standards we prefer to ignore or, rather, facts we too often turn a blind eye to. During her artist residency in Ljubljana, Babić focused on the institutional role that the Roman Catholic Church plays in relation to the question of women’s rights to self-determination.
Hili Greenfeld
Hili GreenfeldThe Moly Matrimony
19. 10. 2016–25. 11. 2016
Work of Hili Greenfeld include relics, graves, and shrines – artificial versions of such objects, i.e. objects that testify to our inability to capture time and comprehend its meaning. By combining paintings, sculptures, ready-mades, and stories, she creates environments that are like scenes of private recollection.
Sanela Jahić
Sanela JahićA manager among us
20. 9. 2016–20. 9. 2016
Reflecting the time of global capitalism, Sanela Jahić’s projects are dedicated to investigating relationships between man and machine and between worker and employer in the manufacturing process. Whereas in Tempo Tempo and I am spending my Capital the artist focused on class polarisation and the dehumanisation of workers as a consequence of the automated production process, the current exhibition shifts the aforementioned relationships into a more optimistic perspective.
Janez Janša, Janez Janša, Janez Janša
Janez Janša, Janez Janša, Janez JanšaAll About You
28. 6. 2016–8. 7. 2016
The triptych All About You is a specific kind of ready-made that brings up several social and subject/object relations, such as money circulation, artwork status, identification and citizenship. We could say it represents a “self-portrait as a citizen” with the Republic of Slovenia used as a mirror.
Anne Harild
Anne HarildSites and structures
26. 5. 2016–23. 6. 2016
Anne Harild is the first artist-in-residence at the CC Tobačna 001 from our reciprocal exchange programme with the Tottenham Hale International Studios in London. The artist finished her studies at the Royal College of Art in London and so forth participated in several residencies, among others in Spain and the UK. Her work is rooted in an exploration of the urban environment, the grids and textures that make up contemporary cities and shape our life within them.
Matthew Biederman & Pierce Warnecke
Matthew Biederman & Pierce WarneckeSaturation
31. 3. 2016–29. 4. 2016
Saturation is an exhibition showing three works of the artist-in-residency Matthew Biederman. The first one is Perspection, created in collaboration with Pierce Warnecke. The project is an audio-visual installation that explores the viewer’s perception through the use of optical and audio illusions. Apart from Perspection, Biederman is also exhibiting his solo projects R+G+B and Subtracting Color.
Rue des Fabriques 43
group exhibition
Rue des Fabriques 43
11. 2. 2016–11. 3. 2016
Artists presented at the exhibition: Thibaut Espiau, Ištvan Išt Huzjan, Tina Javornik,Kasia Kowalska, Antoine Meyer, Ernesto Sartori, Roberto Verde and Mélanie Vincent. The project "Rue des Fabriques 43" taps into the core of the lives of eight artists and creators, since by presenting the address of their shared home it not only determines their daily routine but affects them as artists and individuals.
Astrit Ismaili
Astrit IsmailiUnique
12. 1. 2016–29. 1. 2016
The CC Tobačna 001 artist-in-residence centre is hosting multidisciplinary artist Astrit Ismaili (Priština, 1991). Auto poetic performance Unique consists of three fragments of temporal realities which Ismaili accompanies with three songs and it reaches beyond the dichotomy of gender—subversion takes place through the formation of identities that transcend the existing, purportedly congruous categories of gender, sexuality and desire.