

Master Woodcarver Maks Bergant and Plečnik: The Charm of Wood
Master Woodcarver Maks Bergant and Plečnik: The Charm of Wood
7. 2. 2025–4. 5. 2025
Master woodcarver Maks Bergant (1912–1996) continued a long-standing tradition in which masters passed their knowledge through mentorships onto their apprentices and assistants. Though he honed his craft in Kamnik under the guidance of woodcarver Ivan Klemen, it was his collaboration with architect Jože Plečnik that profoundly shaped his artistic journey and left a lasting mark on his legacy.
BART LUNENBURG: To decide where the shadow falls
BART LUNENBURG: To decide where the shadow falls
18. 10. 2024–26. 1. 2025
Within the exhibition projects of contemporary interpretation of Plečnik's heritage, this year we have invited Bart Lunenburg, an innovative and promising multidisciplinary artist of the younger generation, to participate. The project is a collaboration with RAVNIKAR, a contemporary visual arts gallery, and with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Slovenia and the Dutch foundation Mondriaan Fund for visual arts and cultural heritage.
Saša Dev, Architect
Saša Dev, Architect
14. 6. 2024–6. 10. 2024
Saša Dev, Plečnik's student and an architect of the interwar Maribor, was one of the co-creators of modernist architecture in Slovenia. His architectural works remain relevant today, as he would do more than just follow contemporary trends as a young architect but rather surpass them by several decades in the context of the relationship towards urban fabric.
Plečnik Awards 2024: exhibition of the winners
Plečnik Awards 2024: exhibition of the winners
20. 5. 2024–9. 6. 2024
Every year, The Architect Jože Plečnik Foundation announces the Plečnik Awards, the main public recognition of Slovenian authors for their outstanding creations in the fields of architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture or interior design. This year's prize and award winners are presented in an exhibition at the Plečnik House.
Plečnik and Ljubljana: Shaping Open Space
Plečnik and Ljubljana: Shaping Open Space
2. 2. 2024–12. 5. 2024
The exhibition marking the start of the exhibition year 2024 at Plečnik House presents the findings of Darja Pergovnik, MA, heritage conservator at the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia. Namely, her work has, for several years, been focused on studying and protecting Plečnik's built and green arrangements in Ljubljana.
Plečnik and Stelè: The Draughtsman and the Scholar
Plečnik and Stelè: The Draughtsman and the Scholar
20. 10. 2023–28. 1. 2024
The exhibition, created in collaboration with the ZRC SAZU France Stele Institute of Art History, presents the close relationship between Dr. France Stelè and Jože Plečnik. From the extensive correspondence that Stelè preserved is clear that their relationship was both professional and a true friendship. During the construction of Plečnik’s projects in Ljubljana, Stele was the head conservator and the head of the Monument Office.
Vlasto Kopač
Vlasto KopačThe Unwavering Humanist
16. 6. 2023–8. 10. 2023
On the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the birth of architect Vlasto Kopač, Plečnik's student and collaborator, which is being celebrated this year, the exhibition highlights the versatility of this too often overlooked architect's work in many fields, from architecture to monument conservation, from mountaineering to graphic design.
Dorit Margreiter Choy
Dorit Margreiter ChoyA Structure, a Book, We and the Garden
26. 5. 2023–17. 9. 2023
Through these collaborations, they aim to reinvigorate and translate Plečnik's work into the present. Dorit Margreiter Choy's artistic intervention at Plečnik House as a historically marked site, including the architectural structures, the garden, and display elements, deals with the relationship between past and present, between living space and workspace, and the complicated interplay between private and public.
Plečnikove nagrade 2023:
Plečnikove nagrade 2023:razstava nagrajencev
22. 5. 2023–11. 6. 2023
Sklad arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika vsako leto razpisuje Plečnikove nagrade, osrednje javno priznanje slovenskim avtorjem za vrhunske stvaritve na področju arhitekture, urbanizma, krajinske arhitekture ali notranje opreme. Letošnji prejemniki nagrad in priznanj se predstavljajo na razstavi v Plečnikovi hiši.
Maurizio Barberis
Maurizio BarberisA post-modern Stimmung. Jože Plečnik in Ljubljana
10. 3. 2023–14. 5. 2023
A piece of Plečnik’s oeuvre through the photographic lenses and the auteur view of a renowned Italian photographer.
Plečnikovo leto 2022
SPACE IN MOVEMENT, WITH PLEČNIKThinking Plečnik Within the Context of the Community
3. 12. 2022–24. 12. 2022
In the Plečnik Year 2022, students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering in Ljubljana explored how Plečnik’s works can be seen, observed, understood, artistically contemplated, and how to familiarise with them in the context of the community. They created original video recordings that can be seen in the video exhibition 'Space in Movement, with Plečnik' at the Plečnik House.
I am only the housekeeper, but I don't know...
Plečnik Year 2022
I am only the housekeeper, but I don't know...A Contemporary Tribute to Plečnik's Oeuvre
8. 11. 2022–8. 1. 2023
The last exhibition of Plečnik's jubilee year 2022 presents a contemporary hommage of Plečnik's oeuvre. The curation of the show, titled I am only the housekeeper, but I don't know…, was entrusted to two visiting curators: Luca Lo Pinto, Artistic Director of Rome's MACRO Museum, and German artist Olaf Nicolai. The curatorial duo invited 25 internationally recognised Slovenian and foreign artists and creators, who are entering the architect's house through their diverse and various works.
Nulla dies sine linea. Professor Plečnik and his school in Ljubljana
Plečnik Year 2022
Nulla dies sine linea. Professor Plečnik and his school in Ljubljana
21. 10. 2022–26. 2. 2023
The third of four exhibitions presented in Plečnik House during the Plečnik Year 2022 offers an insight into the work, methods and curricula of Plečnik's School in Ljubljana. Along with Plečnik's creations an almost equally important ingredient of his legacy is also his pedagogical work, which is still reverberating today in the works of his students.
Plečnikovi neuresničeni projekti za Ljubljano
Plečnikovi neuresničeni projekti za Ljubljanogostujoča razstava v Pragi
16. 5. 2022–30. 5. 2022
V okviru projekta Open House Praha in v počastitev 150-letnice rojstva arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika v drugi polovici maja v češki prestolnici gostuje razstava Plečnikovi neuresničeni projekti za Ljubljano.
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Plečnik Year 2022
Rock, Paper, ScissorsArchitectural heritage in graphics
13. 5. 2022–14. 10. 2022
After five years, the Plečnik House and the DobraVaga Gallery are combining forces once again. The exhibition, opening in mid-May 2022 at the Plečnik House, will be a new opportunity for young artists.
Plečnik’s monuments to the National Liberation Struggle
Plečnik Year 2022
Plečnik’s monuments to the National Liberation Struggle
9. 5. 2022–9. 6. 2022
The architect Jože Plečnik devoted part of his creative oeuvre to the design of monuments, the most numerous among them being commemoration plaques and monuments to the fallen in World War II. His work on them began on the initiative of Ferdo Kozak, the minister of culture at the time.
Plečnik, Full Stop
Plečnik Year 2022
Plečnik, Full StopReviving the Master Architect in a Graphic Novel
21. 1. 2022–8. 5. 2022
The introduction to the Plečnik Year 2022 is an exhibition that highlights the creative process of the original biographical graphic novel ‘Plečnik (Full Stop)’ by the experienced and acclaimed comic book duo of Blaž Vurnik and Zoran Smiljanić
Spatial Concepts of Plečnik's Renovations
Spatial Concepts of Plečnik's Renovations
5. 11. 2021–16. 1. 2022
Križanke, Šance and the Roman Wall
France Tomažič
Architect of the first functionalist villas in today’s Slovenia
France TomažičFirst Graduate of Plečnik’s School
19. 3. 2021–27. 6. 2021
Tomažič graduated in 1924 and remained with Plečnik as an assistant until 1930, when he became independent. In 1932 he passed the Professional Competence Examination and became a certified architectural engineer, upon which he opened his own studio in Ljubljana. At first, Tomažič followed Plečnik's architectural view very closely, but with his first independent works he demonstrated a complete reversal and understanding of modern planning problems.