Ljubica Čehovin - Suna: How to Draw a City?
The catalogue published with the exhibition of the same name offers a comprehensive insight into the works of the designer Ljubica Čehovin - Suna, who also found inspiration for her work in Plečnik’s oeuvre.
The foreword to the catalogue was written by Blaž Peršin, Director of the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, who summoned up his reflection on the meaning of designing quality tourist souvenirs. “If we wander through tourist shops in the city, we quickly discover that vendors are not engaged in selling unique and specific items, overflowing with creativity, but rather that the stalls are filled with copies of foreign patterns without any identity of their own. Designer Ljubica Čehovin - Suna has dedicated herself to the search for new potentials and approaches in this area. Her method of designing products emerges from the desire to ask questions that make people reflect. Her research (and the products of it) does not begin and end with the pure form of the object, but with a precise meaning of the content it represents.”
Published by: Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, represented by Blaž Peršin, Director
Editor: Maja Vardjan
Graphic design: Kabinet 01
English translation: Erica Johnson Debeljak, Matic Šavli
Language editing: Katja Paladin
Photographs: Mimi Antolović, Lea Čehovin, Ljubica Čehovin - Suna, Mila Drašković, Miha Fras, Kostja Gatnik, MGML documentation, Tomaž Gregorič, Rifat Kulenović, Marjan Paternoster, Andrej Peunik, Jože Suhadolnik, personal archive of the author
Print: ABO grafika, Rolgraf and Maruji knjigoveštvo
N. of copies: 250
Ljubljana, 2018

Format: 165x230 mm, soft copy
Language: Slovene and English
N. of pages: 44
ISBN: 978-961-93064-7-5