

Plečnik’s Green Ljubljana

The book Plečnik’s Green Ljubljana takes an innovative approach to 54 known, lesser-known, or newly discovered Plečnik-designed open spaces in Ljubljana, as seen through the eyes of a landscape architect.

History of the Future. Archetypes of Plečnik’s Architecture

The book HISTORY OF THE FUTURE: Archetypes of Plečnik’s Architecture presents a collection of photographs and axonometric drawings of abstract models made out of wood, epoxy resin, and plaster – ...

Nulla dies sine linea. Profesor Plečnik in njegova šola

Avtorji kataloga, dr. Tomaž Jurca, Katja Ogrin in Ana Porok, nam v publikaciji razkrijejo kakšen je bil Plečnik kot profesor, kaj vse je zahteval od svojih študentov ter kakšno življenjsko ...

Plečnikove tržnice. Bogastvo skritih detajlov

Katalog avtorsko podpisuje Irena Vesel iz Zavoda za varstvo kulturne dediščine in ta bralcu ponuja nekatere nove uvide v sicer skrite detajle arhitekture Plečnikove osrednje ljubljanske tržnice. Pri tem izstopajo ...

Prostorski koncepti Plečnikovih prenov

Katalog razstave povzema dvoletno raziskovanje študentov Fakultete za arhitekturo, ki so pod mentorstvom prof. Maruše Zorec in Andraža Keršiča odkrivali in preučevali različne Plečnikove pristope k prenovi. Javni prostori, kot ...

Blaž Vurnik, Zoran Smiljanić: Plečnik (in pika)

Priložnost spoznati, kako je verjetno največji slovenski arhitekt Jože Plečnik videti kot stripovski junak, ponuja čisto sveža publikacija, strip z enostavnim naslovom 'Plečnik (in pika)'.

Plečnik. Vodnik po stalni razstavi v Plečnikovi hiši

Ob stoletnici naselitve arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika v njegov dom v Trnovem, ki smo jo obeležili v oktobru 2021, je izšel vodnik po stalni razstavi v Plečnikovi hiši.

Plečnik and the Sacred

A catalogue was published with the exhibition 'Plečnik and the Sacred'. In it, the exhibition's author, Tomaž Jurca, PhD, explores Plečnik's idea of what is sacred.

Plečnik's Architecture in Ljubljana

The book Plečnik's Architecture in Ljubljana, written by Andrej Hrausky, an architect who already authored several books and is a connoisseur of Plečnik's work, brings a comprehensive overview of Plečnik's ...

Noah Charney: Eternal Architect

The new book about the life and work of Jože Plečnik brings a fresh view on the Slovenian architect through the eyes of Noah Charney, PhD. The author connects and ...

Ljubica Čehovin - Suna: How to Draw a City?

The catalogue published with the exhibition of the same name offers a comprehensive insight into the works of the designer Ljubica Čehovin - Suna, who also found inspiration for her ...

Plečnik's unrealised projects for Ljubljana

Plečnik's unrealised projects were recreated with 3D modelling, visualisation and 3D print for the exhibition at the Plečnik House.

Hiša Plečnik House

The book "Hiša Plečnik House: on the centenary of the purchase of the house at 4 Karunova street in the year of Plečnik House's comprehensive renovation (1915–2015)" offers a comprehensive ...