
News: Plečnik House

With Plečnik's Year 2017 coming to its end, the Plečnik House in Ljubljana presented the newest addition among the publications concentrating on Plečnik's work – Plečnik's Architecture in Ljubljana. The book, written by Andrej Hrausky, an architect who already authored ...

6. December 2017
Plečnik House

With 2017 being Plečnik Year, TV Slovenia collaborated with art historian and writer Noah Charney and the end result is the feuilleton entitled Contemplating Plečnik. You can watch it on Saturday 2 December at 5.20 p.m. on TV Slovenia's first ...

30. November 2017
Plečnik House

On Monday 27 November 2017, a celebratory event was held at the Plečnik House, as the highly distinguished Tomas Garrigue Masaryk Order award was entrusted to the safekeeping of the Plečnik Collection of the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana. The ...

27. November 2017
Plečnik House

The 33rd Slovenian Book Fair, which you can visit at the Congress Centre Cankarjev Dom in Ljubljana between 22nd and 26th November, will be highlighted by the publication of two new books on architect Jože Plečnik. Both books were co-published ...

22. November 2017
Plečnik House

The travelling exhibition Plečnik's Ljubljana marked the beginning of this month, as on 6 November the exhibition opened in Hauptbücherei am Gürtel, Vienna's Central Library. Before stopping in Vienna, the exhibition was also hosted, from late September to mid-October, by ...

13. November 2017
Plečnik House

On Saturday 28 October 2017, the Independent Czechoslovak State Day, a ceremony was held at the Vladislav Hall in the Prague Castle, at which the president of the Czech Republic, Miloš Zeman, posthumously awarded Jože Plečnik with the Tomas ...

30. October 2017
Plečnik House

If you only had 36 hours to visit Ljubljana, how would you use them? Well, according to Alex Crevar from The New York Times, a visit to the Plečnik House is a must on your to-do list.

20. October 2017
Plečnik House

2017 is Plečnik’s year, as we commemorate 60 years since the passing and 145 years from the birth of the architect. The Post of Slovenia joined the commemoration by publishing new philatelic products and celebratory postage stamps that also depict ...

30. September 2017
Plečnik House

This weekend, 22 and 23 September, the capital of the Czech Republic will be in the sign of Ljubljana, as Ljubljana Days in Prague is taking place. Part of the event is, inside the Old Town Hall in the very ...

19. September 2017
Plečnik House

The photographic exhibition Ljubljana, a City with Plečnik's Signature, which is adorning the Jakopič Promenade at the Ljubljana's Tivoli Park will continue to entice its visitors until 7 November. The extended exhibition displays archival photographs of Plečnik's Ljubljana taken ...

5. September 2017
Plečnik House

The international conference BRIDGE: The Heritage of Connecting Places and Cultures took place in early July at the Coalbrookdale Museum of Iron near Ironbridge in the United Kingdom. Curator of the Plečnik House, Ana Porok, participated with a lecture on ...

21. July 2017
Plečnik House

"Artists had very diverse approaches in researching Jože. Some of them visited Plečnik House to be inspired more by his life, while others studied literature, dedicating interest to his symbolism or architecture," summoned curator Lara Mejač on how different sources ...

12. July 2017
Plečnik House

The monograph titled Eternal Architect: The Life and Life of Jože Plečnik, Modernist Mystic is a new and welcomed book addition to the Plečnik Year 2017. The book, which is an important contribution to the studies of Plečnik's oeuvre, is ...

19. June 2017
Plečnik House

We are concluding the first half of Plečnik Year with a fresh new book on Plečnik's life and work, written by Dr. Noah Charney, and the photographic exhibition Ljubljana, a City with Plečnik's Signature at the Jakopič Promenade (designed by ...

8. June 2017
Plečnik House

Between 25 May and 1 October 2017, the Ljubljana Castle is presenting the project Plečnik Above the City, which combines the exhibitions in the Casemate and at the castle’s Šance. Both exhibitions are a collaboration between Ljubljana Castle, Museum ...

25. May 2017
Plečnik House

Several institutions from Ljubljana and around Slovenia are joining the Plečnik Year 2017 commemorations. They prepared quite a few interesting exhibitions and guided tours for these spring months. Below you can see where Plečnik’s unique works await for your visit.

4. April 2017
Plečnik House

The library of the National Museum of Slovenia is joining the Plečnik Year with the Exhibit of the Month. The small exhibition highlights fascinating publications dedicated to Plečnik and his works, while some of the architect’s original artefacts, on loan ...

6. March 2017
Plečnik House

The exhibition Architecture – Stocktaking 2014–16 on view until 16 March 2017 at the Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre, in Ljubljana is currently presenting architectural projects which have been realised in the last two years. Organised by the Association ...

22. February 2017
Plečnik House

On this day, 23 January 1872, architect Jože Plečnik was born in Ljubljana. "He was an idealist and he measured the present with a measuring stick of the past, he was conservative and saw his role models in the past, ...

23. January 2017
Plečnik House

"At this hour we say our final goodbye to a role model, an educator, master, and, finally, a fighter. We are taking responsibility for the bright character of a creator and for the principles of his timeless work," architect Vladimir ...

6. January 2017
Plečnik House