Plečnik House is a Part of the Bee Path
You are welcome to participate!
International conference: Urban Beekeeping – A Way to a Holistic Transformation Into Green Sustainable Cities

The Plečnik House is a member of the Bee Path, which was designed and inaugurated by the City of Ljubljana in 2016 as part of the European Green Capital project. The Bee Path became synonymous for all activities connected with bees and beekeeping in Ljubljana. It is a path that connects the city and its hinterlands. Visitors of the path can thus experience Ljubljana from a different aspect – they learn about the cultural and natural heritage connected with beekeeping in Ljubljana, witness active beekeeping processes, as well as taste and buy honey and other apiary products.
This year we, in hopes of preserving bees, planted a garden of honey plants to the south side of Plečnik's winter garden. This was also an act of support to urban beekeeping and a remembrance to the diverse garden Plečnik used to have.
Due to numerous detrimental interventions into the environment, the bee habitat is changing from year to year. Bees are thus losing pastures, which are necessary for their survival and the foundation of urban beekeeping. By planting small gardens with individual honey plants, we can help our Carniolan honey bee survive.
Which plants actually count as honey plants? They are all the plants whose sweet secretions (mannose or manna), some also with pollen, feed the bees. There are about a thousand plant species like this growing in Slovenia.
Throughout the year, our honey garden will offer at least a fragment of the food necessary to the bees of local beekeepers and will serve as inspiration to all of us to plant some honey plants at home.
We are inviting you to take part at the conference: Urban Beekeeping – A Way to a Holistic Transformation into Green Sustainable Cities, which will take place on 11 May 2021. You can find the conference’s programme at the BeePathNet’s website .
In short about the conference’s programme: renowned international speakers from URBACT, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and APIMONDIE will present developing trends in the introduction. In the second part of the conference, we will present the transfer of a successful practice of Ljubljana’s BEE PATH, which has become a network of beneficiaries, a tourist and educational path, an educational programme and a “brain trust” and “incubator” for the development of new entrepreneur ideas, into five European cities: Amarante in Portugal, Bydgoszcz in Poland, Cesena in Italy, Hegyvidék in Hungary and Nea Propontida in Greece. Following the presentation will be a round table on the influence of the BeePathNet project on urban beekeeping in Ljubljana, while the conference will close with a view beyond BeePathNet – towards bee-friendly cities.
The conference will be organised in a hybrid form – physical and virtual. The physical part of the conference will take place at the Cankarjev dom Cultural and Congress Centre, Prešernova 10, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Participation is free. Applications are mandatory for all participants. To apply, please click HERE.
Let’s be bee-friendly!