
Jože Plečnik. The Architect’s Heritage. Right Around the Corner.

Where do you encounter Plečnik’s heritage?

Take part in the digital mapping of Jože Plečnik’s heritage.

Plečnik’s bridges, buildings, chairs, chandeliers, churches, columns, monuments, and river banks. In Ljubljana, Kranj, Vipava, Rakek, Belgrade, Vienna, Prague, and at home. Right around the corner from you.

Share your images of Plečnik’s architecture and design with us and together we will create an interactive map of Plečnik’s heritage. Send us images of whole objects or just details that inspire you. We will locate them on an interactive map, which will become an inspiration hub for other lovers of Plečnik and seekers of beauty.

How can you participate?

All you need is to snap a photo of Plečnik’s architectural or designer’s work while on a stroll through a town, during your exploration of Slovenia, or when visiting a nearby country. Send us your photographs to plecnik@mgml.si. Add location descriptions, which will enable a precise localisation on the digital map. We recommend GPS coordinates.

If you feel so inclined, feel free to state your authorship of the photo and add a comment, a story or question, in regards to your photo.

We will then pin the photograph, including a description of which work it is and your comments, to the Interactive map of Plečnik’s Heritage.

There, the Plečnik House team got the ball rolling with the first inscription – the Plečnik House. Now we eagerly await your snaps of Jože Plečnik’s eternal architecture. Still today, waiting just around the corner!

Posted: 20. 8. 2020