Plečnik as Inspiration – allow yourself to be captivated by unique jewellery this summer
The façade of the National and University Library (NUK), a graceful vignette and the door handle in the form of a dove are three of Plečnik’s works that were inspirational to the students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering (NTF). As part of the Plečnik as Inspiration project students created unique pieces of jewellery, which are now available at the Plečnik House museum shop.

Alenka More and Mark Cvelbar found the inspiration for their brooch and pendant in the door handle shaped as a dove, which Plečnik designed for the Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre in the Franciscan monastery in Kamnik. For their earrings and necklace, Ana Božović and Ivana Jovanović, found inspiration from one of Plečnik’s numerous vignettes, while a detail of a window on the NUK’s façade inspired Klavdija Frelih to create her brooch design.
All the products are sold in original packaging designed by the NTF students. Jasmina Ajdini referenced matchstick boxes in her packaging design, which implies Plečnik’s smoking vice, Janja Cerar and Patricija Selić found inspiration for their packaging in geometrical shapes and Plečnik’s vignette, while Patricija Pevec and Kristina Sojer found their ideas in the famous portrait of Plečnik with glasses and a hat.
All products with their packaging are already being sold at the Plečnik House museum shop. Visitors to the museum can also visit the exhibition Plečnik as Inspiration, where they can see how Plečnik’s works inspired students of the NTF in their long-term project. The exhibition at the Plečnik House ends on 29 September 2019.