Stocktaking architectural projects between 2014–16 on the exhibition at the Cankarjev dom
The exhibition Architecture – Stocktaking 2014–16 on view until 16 March 2017 at the Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre, in Ljubljana is currently presenting architectural projects which have been realised in the last two years. Organised by the Association of Architects Ljubljana, the exhibition also presents the comprehensive renovation of the Plečnik House, headed by architects Maruša Zorec, Maša Živec, Matjaž Bolčina and others at the Arrea Architecture. The renovation was this successful also thanks to a good collaboration and dialogue with the head conservator Irena Vesel and others from the ICPHS and MGML.

For their exceptional work on the renovation of this architectural pearl of the 20th century, the architects already received two peer awards: a Plečnik medal and the piranesi award.
About Architecture – Stocktaking 2014–16
13 February–16 March 2017
The exhibition is a traditional biannual overview presentation, created by the members of Association of Architects Ljubljana. This is its eighth edition and presents the architectural output of the Association in the past two years. More than 150 authors are presenting 126 architectural and 10 student projects, from urban planning to architectural concepts and renovations of public buildings, multi-apartment buildings, family homes, and interiors, as well as graphic and industrial design projects and writings on architecture.
Architecture – Stocktaking is the most comprehensive overview of architectural development in our country. The Association of Architects Ljubljana, which is presiding over the Union of Architects Slovenia, also reinvited architects from other countries to collaborate, with eight guests from the Association of architects Belgrade and ten selected projects of students from the Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture.
During the exhibition, six architectural lectures and six student presentations will also be held at the spot under the common title Architects have solutions – How to realise them.
Thursday 16 February, at 5 p.m.
Blaž Budja and Rok Jereb
Miha Dešman and Vlatka Ljubanović
Students: Mateja Šetina
Klara Bohinc
Thursday 23 February, at 5 p.m.
Ana Kreč and Jure Horvat
Meta Kutin and Tomaž Ebenšpanger
Students: Sanel Muranović
Aleš Korpič
Thursday 2 March, at 5 p.m.
Marko Studen and Boris Matič
Vesna Vozlič Košir and Matej Vozlič
Students: Luka Fabjan
Maja Omerzel
Thursday 9 March, at 5 p.m.
Round table: Renovation of the Plečnik Stadium