
Exhibit of the Month in the National Museum library dedicated to architect Plečnik

The library of the National Museum of Slovenia is joining the Plečnik Year with the Exhibit of the Month. The small exhibition highlights fascinating publications dedicated to Plečnik and his works, while some of the architect’s original artefacts, on loan from the Plečnik Collection, are also being exhibited.

© MGML documentation

Among the selected books dedicated to the Plečnik’s work, visitors can also see several of the original objects, which the maestro used at his work. Clay models, created by Plečnik himself for his architectural projects, are also being presented. The original artefacts, on loan for the Exhibit of the Month from the MGML Plečnik Collection, will stay on view in the library of the National Museum of Slovenia between 1 March and 30 April 2017.

Posted: 6. 3. 2017