
Music to Plečnik's Taste Delighted the Crowds at the Triple Bridge in Ljubljana

Four intense and inspiring days of workshops, organised in Ljubljana as part of the European project Open Atelier, are now behind us. The event brought togfether our project partners from Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, and Italy. As part of the project gathering, we also organised a special concert in the very heart of Plečnik’s Ljubljana.

© Blaž Gutman / MGML

“Music is liquid architecture, architecture is frozen music,” were the words uttered by the greatest German poet and writer, Goethe. About a century later, our greatest architect, Jože Plečnik, also emphasised the importance of music, when he stated, “Music is the most primary expression of the human soul. It is the most direct revelation of the secrets of creation.” 

And it was to music, the kind of music that Plečnik would enjoy, that we dedicated the special event held on Plečnik’s Triple Bridge on Wednesday, 6 September. The pop-up concert, conducted within the framework of the European Project Open Atelier, was a performance by the academic violinist Inga Ulokina and pianist Olga Ulokina of works by Mozart, Chopin, and Beethoven – all composers that were particularly dear to Plečnik.

All project partners of Open Atelier contributed to the interactive and participatory element of the event. We addressed the audience that gathered on the Triple Bridge, and discussed the power of cultural heritage and how it can contribute to the realisation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations.

Below, we are sharing some photo and video highlights from the event:

Posted: 8. 9. 2023