Treat yourself to a graphic print for the summer!
Young Slovenian artist explore architectural heritage through the medium of graphic prints
The exhibition ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’, a collaboration between the Plečnik House and the DobraVaga gallery, presented six young Slovenian artists that created six original artworks that could also decorate your apartment or office.

The artists, who created graphic prints for the exhibition Rock, Paper, Scissors, found inspiration in various aspects of architectural heritage – from the unrealised projects of Jože Plečnik, which symbolise a type of void within the city, to the importance of politics and connections when designing a city. Thus, they approached the exhibition’s basis, which focused on an artistic contemplation of the factors that influence why something receives the status of heritage that needs to be preserved.
Šest grafičnih del si lahko ogledate na razstavi, na voljo pa so tudi za nakup v trgovini Plečnikove hiše in v galeriji DobraVaga ... ali pa si jih privoščite preko spletnega nakupa:
Six graphic prints can be viewed at the exhibition, but can also be purchased at the museum shop of the Plečnik House or the DobraVaga gallery … or you could simply buy them through our website:
>> graphic print: Tereza Prepadnik
>> graphic print: Žiga Roš
>> graphic print: Sara Bezovšek
>> graphic print: Jaka Teršek
>> graphic print: Janja Kosi
>> graphic print: Marko K. Gavez