
Do You Know Plečnik’s Details?

A feature of the Plečnik Year 2022

With the Plečnik Year upon us, we are beginning a new Facebook and Instagram section with which we want to highlight the diversity of Plečnik’s details, his minutiae, and design solutions around Ljubljana. Your correct answer can also bring you a nice Plečnik-related prize.

© Matevž Paternoster / MGML

Plečnik was a real image of a universal artist as he undertook every task available to him, regardless of how important it was, because he saw them as challenges that he could creatively face.

With Plečnik’s Year, we are beginning you a new FB and IG section in which we want to highlight the variety of Plečnik’s details, his small solutions, and design choices around Ljubljana. The details make his architecture unique, and we stroll past them every day without even noticing them.

Once per month in the jubilee year 2022, we will share one #PlecniksDetail with you and challenge you to comment and identify where is that specific detail located. We will pick two random winners among the correct comments on our FB and IG profiles, which will receive complimentary tickets to visit the Plečnik House and copies of the book Plečnik. Guidebook for the permanent exhibition at the Plečnik House.

#PlecnikovDetajl #1 was already published yesterday, and we are now inviting you to guess to which of Plečnik’s works the detail belongs to. We will accept answers under the posts on FB and IG until Sunday, 27 February, at midnight. The winners will be announced on Monday, 28 February.

Posted: 24. 2. 2022