Plečnik Awards 2024: exhibition of the winners
The Plečnik Prize 2023 was awarded to the project Open Library at Vič Primary School, architecture by ARP studio © Ana Skobe

Plečnik House

Karunova 4–6
1000 Ljubljana

T +386 1 280 16 04 (reception)
T +386 1 241 25 06
E plecnik@mgml.si

Tuesday–Sunday: 10:00–18:00
Monday: Closed
1 January, 1 November, 25 December: Closed
24 and 31 December: 10:00–14:00

Visits of the original Plečnik’s home are only possible with a guided tour that begins every full hour. In case the visitors on the guided tours come from different countries, each tour is conducted in two languages – Slovenian and English.
RECOMMENDED: you can buy your tickets online and book your date here.
For more information, please contact plecnik@mgml.si or +386 1 280 16 04.

Visiting the Plečnik House (price includes permanent exhibition Plečnik and a guided tour of Plečnik's home)
Adults: 9 €
Students: 7 €
Children: 7 €
Adults over the age of 60: 7 €
Families: 18 €
Unemployed visitors: 7 €
Visitors with disabilities: 7 €
Free admission for carers
ICOM, PRESS, SMD: free admission

Guided tours for private groups of more than 7 visitors need to be booked at least 5 working days in advance.

Visiting the Plečnik House with a prior reservation
Groups of up to 5 persons: 50 €, 40 € at reduced price
Groups of over 5 persons: 10 €/person, reduced 8 €/person

Visiting the permanent exhibition Plečnik
Adults: 6 €
Students: 4 €
Children: 4 €
Adults over the age of 60: 4 €
Families: 12 €
Unemployed visitors: 4 €
Visitors with disabilities: 4 €
Free admission for carers
ICOM, PRESS, SMD: free admission

Plečnik Awards 2024: exhibition of the winners

20. 5. 2024–9. 6. 2024

Every year, The Architect Jože Plečnik Foundation announces the Plečnik Awards, the main public recognition of Slovenian authors for their outstanding creations in the fields of architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture or interior design. This year's prize and award winners are presented in an exhibition at the Plečnik House.

Strokovna žirija v sestavi Matej Vozlič (predsednik), Blaž Babnik Romaniuk, Matjaž Bolčina, Luka Javornik in Mia Roth Čerina je letos v kategorijah nagrad (za arhitekturno realizacijo večjega merila, za arhitekturno realizacijo manjšega merila, za javni prostor, za strokovno publicistiko, za bogatitev prostorske kulture) izbrala eno Plečnikovo nagrado, štiri Plečnikove medalje in eno študentsko štipendijo.

Plečnikovo nagrado v kategoriji arhitekturne realizacije večjega merila, je Plečnikova žirija podelila delu NADKRITJE OSTALIN CERKVE SV. JANEZA KRSTNIKA V ŽIČKI KARTUZIJI in njegovim avtorjem Roku Žnidaršiču, Jerneji Fischer Knap, Samu Mlakarju, Katji Ivić in Dinu Mujiću.

Plečnikovo medaljo v kategoriji arhitekturne realizacije manjšega merila je prejelo delo 2 PRENOVI, avtorjev arhitekture Matija Bevk, Vasa J. Perović, Valentin Tribušon, Rok Primažič, Antonia Rubić, Irene Salord Vila.

Plečnikovo medaljo v kategoriji javnega prostora je prejel projekt BRV ZA PEŠCE IN KOLESARJE V IRČI VASI in avtorji Blaž Budja, Rok Jereb, Marjan Pipenbaher, Tomaž Weingerl, Dušan Stupar.

Plečnikova medalja za strokovno publicistiko je bila podeljena angleški izdaji knjige GARDEN AND METAPHOR: ESSAYS ON THE ESSENCE OF THE GARDEN, avtoric Ane Kučan in Mateje Kurir.

Plečnikovo medaljo za bogatitev prostorske kulture je prejel projekt Mete Kutin, za raziskovalno, ustvarjalno in emancipatorno delo MESTO ŽIVI V LJUDEH – OZAVEŠČANJE O PROSTORSKI KULTURI.

 V zaključku je žirija z veseljem podelila tudi štipendijo Plečnikovega sklada Neži Brankovič za magistrsko delo DOM V ZALIVU, IDEJNA ZASNOVA PRENOVE NARODNEGA DOMA V TRSTU.

Letošnja enainpetdeseta podelitev Plečnikovih nagrad se je v družbi visokih gostov, kolegic in kolegov, prijateljic in prijateljev arhitekture, slavnostno odvila na vrtu Plečnikove hiše.

Razstava Plečnikove nagrade 2024: Artefakti nagrajena dela predstavlja skozi temeljno idejo projekta. Ta je materializirana z izbranimi fragmenti, ki predstavljajo osrednjo temo ustvarjalnega procesa oz. arhitekturnega objekta. Za razliko od konvencionalnih arhitekturnih razstav, se razstava Artefakti ne obremenjuje z objektivno predstavitvijo arhitekture in njeno fizično odsotnostjo v razstavnih prostorih, ampak ravno nasprotno – idejo nagrajenih projektivnih, teoretskih in družbenih arhitekturnih praks z razstavljenimi elementi fizično udejanji v Plečnikovi hiši.

Plečnik House

Karunova 4–6
1000 Ljubljana

T +386 1 280 16 04 (reception)
T +386 1 241 25 06
E plecnik@mgml.si

Tuesday–Sunday: 10:00–18:00
Monday: Closed
1 January, 1 November, 25 December: Closed
24 and 31 December: 10:00–14:00

Visits of the original Plečnik’s home are only possible with a guided tour that begins every full hour. In case the visitors on the guided tours come from different countries, each tour is conducted in two languages – Slovenian and English.
RECOMMENDED: you can buy your tickets online and book your date here.
For more information, please contact plecnik@mgml.si or +386 1 280 16 04.

Visiting the Plečnik House (price includes permanent exhibition Plečnik and a guided tour of Plečnik's home)
Adults: 9 €
Students: 7 €
Children: 7 €
Adults over the age of 60: 7 €
Families: 18 €
Unemployed visitors: 7 €
Visitors with disabilities: 7 €
Free admission for carers
ICOM, PRESS, SMD: free admission

Guided tours for private groups of more than 7 visitors need to be booked at least 5 working days in advance.

Visiting the Plečnik House with a prior reservation
Groups of up to 5 persons: 50 €, 40 € at reduced price
Groups of over 5 persons: 10 €/person, reduced 8 €/person

Visiting the permanent exhibition Plečnik
Adults: 6 €
Students: 4 €
Children: 4 €
Adults over the age of 60: 4 €
Families: 12 €
Unemployed visitors: 4 €
Visitors with disabilities: 4 €
Free admission for carers
ICOM, PRESS, SMD: free admission