Plečnik's Apartment for the First President of Czechoslovakia
"We could create something incredible out of the castle and its surroundings, and I see no one but you that would be able to carry out this historical mission," were words written by the first Czechoslovakian president Masaryk in a 1923 letter to architect Plečnik. Discover how Plečnik envisioned the Prague home of the first and all successive presidents on the introductory lecture, given by Martin Halata, MA, and architect Michal Šula, authors of the Plečnik and Prague Castle exhibition.

On the evening before the opening of Plečnik and Prague Castle: Apartment for the first president of Czechoslovakia, the exhibition’s authors Martin Halata, MA, and architect Michal Šula will delve into details of Plečnik’s design of the apartment fot the first Czechoslovakian president Tomaš G. Masaryk and his extended family. The authors also highlight that "Between 1920 and 1935, an extraordinary collection of modernist architecture was created at the Prague Castle and Hradčany. Its author was the Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik, who took over the renovations of Prague Castle after 1920. It was Tomáš G. Masaryk, first president of Czechoslovakia, who attracted Plečnik to collaborate in this endeavour. An important part of the renovation was also the redesign of the Habsburg residence into the apartment for the president of Czechoslovakia and his family. In this project a crucial role was also played by Alice G. Masarykova, the president’s daughter."
The lecture, given in Czech with consecutive translation in Slovene, will be free for our visitors. Prior reservations are mandatory and taken at or by calling 01 24 12 506, before 3 p.m. on 20 April.