
Create your own zine, a JOŽE exhibition workshop

What is a fanzine, how is it created and why has it also been lately such a popular form of artistic expression in Slovenia? Find out all the answers at the creative zine workshop, which will be organised at the Plečnik House in cooperation with DobraVaga Gallery, as part of the JOŽE exhibition. Find out how to participate by reading further...

Sep 2017
Time: 11 a.m.–2 p.m.
Location: Plečnik House
Adults, students, seniors
Create your own zine, a JOŽE exhibition workshop
© Asiana Jurca Avci/DobraVaga

All your zine-related questions will be answered at the workshop by visual artist Nevena Aleksovski, who will also direct us creatively in making our own zine. Helping us along the way will be the works of famous architect Jože Plečnik, as we will be using photographic details of his works while working in the collage technique. We will create new compositions and thus build new architectural worlds.

To participate in the workshop you will need:
- Prior skills? No.
- Special protective clothing? No.
- Materials and tools? No.
- Money? No.
- Creativity and good will? YES, and plenty of it!

We will also take care of your inspiration with a short visit of Plečnik's pristinely preserved home.

The workshop is directed to all young and adult creative minds (16+), and free to all participants. However, the number of participants is limited and applications are mandatory at info@dobravaga.si.

The workshop will take place at the Plečnik House, Karunova 4–6, on Saturday 23 September 2017, from 11.00 am to 2.00 pm.

Nevena Aleksovski (1984), the artist who will lead us through the creation of our zines, graduated in painting at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad in 2008. In 2014 she completed her Masters' in culturology at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana. She is active in the fields of drawing, painting, illustration, and art fanzines. In 2016 she was awarded first prize for her art fanzine at the ZINE VITRINE dvatwozwei call. She has presented her works at several solo shows, in collaboration with other artists, and in various group exhibitions in Slovenia, Serbia, Germany and Croatia. Among others, she exhibited at the International Centre of Graphic Arts at the exhibition Zines! Contemporary zine production and at the group exhibition Neki piše in the gallery of Vodnik Homestead (Vodnikova domačija), under the patronage of SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts - Ljubljana. She has also been active as an educator at the galleries ŠKUC and Alkatraz, both situated in Ljubljana. She is one of the organisers Reciklart - art festival of recycling and DIY culture.