Metamorphoses of Auersperg Palace
A long and picturesque history of Auersperg Palace in Ljubljana.
Last renovation of Auersperg Palace, the home of City Museum of Ljubljana.
Metamorphoses of Auersperg Palace
Publisher: Mestni muzej Ljubljana, represented byTaja Vovk Čepič, director
Editorial Board: Taja Vovk Čepič, Martin Horvat, Irena Veselko
Co-ordinators: Janja Rebolj, Melita Ječnik
Authors: Taja Vovk Čepič, Irena Veselko, Uroš Lubej, Martin Horvat, Branko Cvetkovič
Foreword: Viktorija Potočnik
Translation: Jana Cedilnik, Vince Pool
Proof-reading: Jana Cedilnik
Photographs: Branko Cvetkovič, Matevž Paternoster
Design: Evita Lukež
Print: Gorenjski tisk
Number of Copies: 500
Ljubljana, 2002

Formath: 212x305 mm
Language: Slovene and English
Number of pages: 110
ISBN: 961-90351-9-4