
Memories and dreams of Kristine B.

A comic strip story about the city of Ljubljana and its inhabitants in the period from 1941 to 1945.

A story about Kristina Babnik, a girl who is not a real person from history but nevertheless representative of the destinies of many children living in Ljubljana during the occupation.

Formath: 230x350 mm
Language: slovene and english
Number of pages: 78
ISBN: 978-961-6509-41-1

Price: 25,00 €

Publisher: Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane, represented by Blaž Peršin, director
Story wtitten by: Blaž Vurnik
Drawn by: Zoran Smiljanić
Story adaptation: Zoran Smiljanić, Blaž Vurnik
Foreword: Blaž Peršin
Language editing: Murray Bales
Translated by: Marjana Karer
Photo: Matevž Paternoster, dokumentacija MGML, Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije, Slovenska kinoteka
Oblikovanje in prelom: Metka Dariš
Print: Matformat
Number of copies: 250
Ljubljana, 2015

Memories and dreams of Kristine B.