
History of Ljubljana: From pile dwellings to a green capital

Artefacts, images, and texts, condensed into ten chapters, bring to life the history of Ljubljana, from the prehistoric first settlement to the development of a modern capital and contemporary city.

Are you interested in 40,000 years old weapons used by Paleolithic hunters? Was the life of a pile-dweller really idyllic? Are you in awe of the hunting image from the bronze belt buckle or miniature engraved gems made from semi-precious gemstones? Would you trust your health to the hands and scalpel of the Emonan doctor? Where was money counterfeited during the Middle Ages again? Where did Adam and Eve stand in Ljubljana? What did the beggar’s fear do in the city? Why was Anica Gorjup burnt at the stake? Have you ever asked yourself where did “white Ljubljana” come from? What did the railroad bring to Ljubljana? How was life in Ljubljana like when it was encircled by barbed wire? How did Metelkova mesto Autonomous Cultural Zone come to be?

You can read all of it and more, in the book History of Ljubljana.

Monographic publication

Pages: 228
ISBN - 978-961-6509-62-6

Price: 34 €

History of Ljubljana: From pile dwellings to a green capital
Published by: Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane, Represented by  Blaž Peršin, director
Editor: Mojca Ferle
Editorial board: Irena Žmuc, Blaž Vurnik, Bernarda Županek
Foreword by: Blaž Peršin, Irena Žmuc in Mojca Ferle
Texts by: Mojca Ferle, Primož Gašperič, Geografski inštitut Antona Melika ZRC SAZU; Martin Horvat, Ana Pokrajac Iskra, Janez Polajnar, Ana Porok, Barbara Savenc, Irena Šinkovec, Blaž Vurnik, Matija Zorn, Geografski inštitut Antona Melika ZRC SAZU; Irena Žmuc, Bernarda Županek
Language editing: Alenka Klemenc
Photos: Andrej Peunik, Archivio Storico Diocesano Udine, Italija; Arhej d. o. o., Arhiv organizacijskega odbora PST: Marjan Ciglič; David Badovinac, Dokumentacija MGML, Franci Fidler, Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, Nemčija; Martin Horvat, Janez Kos, Moderna galerija Ljubljana: Lado Mlekuž in Matija Pavlovec; Judita Lux, Nadškofijski arhiv Ljubljana, Peter Naglič, Aleš Ogorelec, Krajinski park Ljubljansko barje: Milan Orožen Adamič; Matevž Paternoster, Miran Pavlin, Jože Suhadolnik, Damjana Šalehar, Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana
Visuals: Dejan Češarek, Dokumentacija MGML (Toman Veljko), Matej Draksler, Geografski inštitut Antona Melika ZRC SAZU: Rok Ciglič, Mauro Hrvatin, Jure Tičar, Matija Zorn, Primož Gašperič; Janja Gojkovič, Martin Horvat, Dragica Knific Lunder, Tanja Krasovsky, Uroš Lubej, Narodni muzej Slovenije, Igor Rehar, sciencesource.com, Irena Šinkovec, Tomaž Perme, Mojca Zver
Digitalisation: Gorazd Knific, Matej Satler, Karmen Brecelj, Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana, Nadškofijski arhiv Ljubljana

History of Ljubljana: From pile dwellings to a green capital
© Aleksander Hribovšek