
A New Age is Coming! Industry – Labour – Capital

Today it is golden shopping carts that are bringing us to the new age. In the past, privatisation vouchers, large home appliances, self-management, games of military hide-and-seek, the earliest trade fairs, the struggle for workers’ rights, the first factories and factory-owners were likewise bringing us to new ages. Industry changing the image of cities; cities changing the lives of workers; workers changing capital; capital changing the rhythm of life. The same processes were going on across Europe, but in Ljubljana they occurred our way.

Exhibition catalogue

Pages: 301
ISBN: 9789616509534

Price: 19EUR

City Museum of Ljubljana,  Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana / Represented by: Blaž Peršin, Director / Project manager: Maja Kovač / Edited by: Bernarda Županek / Editorial board: Blaž Vurnik, Bernarda Županek / Foreword by: Blaž Peršin / Texts by: Blaž Vurnik, Barbara Savenc, Janez Polajnar, Urška Strle, Irena Žmuc, Marko Zajc, Sonja Ifko, Mojca Zabukovec, Meta Štular / Translation into English: Marjana Karer, Maja Visenjak Limon, Milan Stepanovič (Studio Phi) / Language editing: Katja Paladin (SLO); Murray Bales, Paula Kirby, David Limon, Jeff Bickert (ENG) / Technical editing: Janja Gojkovič / Photographs by: National Museum of Contemporary History, National Museum of Slovenia, Matevž Paternoster, Andrej Peunik / Digitalisation: Matej Satler, MGML / Number of copies printed: 300 / Printed by: Gorenjski tisk, 2016

A New Age is Coming! Industry – Labour – Capital