Dr. Otmar Pirkmajer: the Forgotten Elites
Exhibition Calalogue
The unusual life story of Dr Otmar Pirkmajer, the first rector of the UNRRA University “Free Europe”, which was founded in Munich in 1946 by the United Nations and where non-German refugees and other displaced persons taught and studied in the wake of the Second World War. The life of Dr Otmar Pirkmajer, lawyer, journalist, politician and a man who had survived the Dachau concentration camp twice, is the record of a remarkable and lesser-known personal story that unfolded during the ceaseless historical twists and turns of the 20th century
23,00 €
Autor: Irena Žmuc
Printed: 2022
Number of pages: 92
ISBN: 978-961-95640-4-2
COBISS: 109392387