
Hic procul a curis/This is far from the cares. Art works salvaged from the fire-damaged Zalog Mansion

Exhibition Catalogue

By showcasing traces of the former splendour of Zalog Mansion, exhibition presented the building’s Baroque renovation undertaken by Count Orfeo Strassoldo and carried out by renowned artists of that time, including the fresco painter Franc Jelovšek (1725), the sculptor Angelo Putti (c. 1712) and the architect Carlo Martinuzzi (1709–1713). Together they created one of the most beautiful secular Baroque total works of art in what is today Slovenia.

Originally constructed as a Renaissance building, Zalog Mansion was turned into a Baroque total work of art by Count Orfeo Strassoldo who, to this end, hired the architect Carlo Martinuzzi, the sculptor Angelo Putti and the painter Franc Jelovšek.


Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, Represented by: Blaž  Peršin, Director / Edited by: Ana Pokrajac Iskra / Introduction by: Blaž Peršin / Texts by: Ana Pokrajac Iskra; dr. Igor Sapač, University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture; mag. Jelka Kuret, Saša Snoj, Restoration Centre of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Dragan Živadinov / Language editing: Ana Pokrajac Iskra, Murray Bales / English translation: Marjana Karer / Photographs by: Documentation Services of the MGML ( Matevž Paternoster); Documentation Services of the Restoration Centre of the ZVKDS ( Valentin Benedik); INDOK Centre, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia (France Stele, Fran Šijanec, Stane Mikuž , Ivan Komelj ); dr. Igor Sapač, Saša Snoj / Reconstructions: dr. Igor Sapač / Computer graphics: Anže Repinc / Graphic design and print layout : Evita Lukež / Printed by : R - tisk , Ljubljana / Number of copies printed: 100 / June 2017

Hic procul a curis/This is far from the cares. Art works salvaged from the fire-damaged Zalog Mansion