Fresh in autumn of 2020
Let your research work become a good story!

We are opening our doors to excellent presentations of term papers, graduation dissertations, and masters’ theses.
If you have poured your heart and soul into your paper and reached interesting conclusions, it would be a waste not to share your findings with your friends, family, and the general interested public. At the MGML we are offering you an opportunity to present your findings from the podium of the museum’s conference hall.
Furthermore, we will also help your industrious expert work become an excellent presentation piece too. We will teach you about what works in a presentation and how to satisfy various audiences, as well as practice for your 45-minute oration. Our common goal is for you to be relaxed and confident during the presentation, and allow you to share your findings with ease and in an interesting and enthusiastic manner.
The first step towards your presentation is to send us a short summary of your thesis. We will be especially glad with works dealing with cultural heritage, museum sciences, but also works with underlying interdisciplinary aspects. Please add some sentences about yourself too and send everything to Application to the M-stage.
Your mentor Janja Rebolj, head of the programmes for adults and communication skills coach, will invite you to an interview and arrange a possible collaboration. Presentations are likely to take place once per month, on Tuesday evenings.
First presentation: 22 September at 6.00 p.m.
Timotej Pavlin: Climate Changes in Late Antiquity, graduation thesis at the Department of Archaeology at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana