
The Catalogue of ICONS: Treasures from Russian Museums has been Published

All icons presented at the exhibition and also published in the exhibition’s catalogue are dated between the late 13th century and early 20th century.

Being familiar with the culture of others enriches our own cultural space.

Catalogue ICONS
Catalogue ICONS © MGML documentation

The exhibition and catalogue of the Russian icons are the first presentation of this important cultural heritage in Slovenia. The last exhibition centred on orthodox icons in Slovenia dates to 1964, when they were presented in the National Gallery, at an exhibition of more than eighty so-called “Yugoslav” icons. However, since that exhibition anyone interested in the cultural heritage of Orthodox Europe only had just a few opportunities to see icons in a museum or gallery context, near and far. Therefore the exhibition at the City Museum of Ljubljana and the accompanying catalogue, which also contains articles written by curators from Russian museums, is especially valuable for our space after more than half of a century.

From the table of contents of the exhibition catalogue:

Blaž Peršin, Blaž Vurnik: Russian Icons: Treasures from Russian Museums
Alexei Fedorchuk: Russian Icons in the Orthodox Tradition 
Liudmila Vorontsova: Precious Revetment of Russian Medieval Icons
Catalogue of exhibited icons
Adrian Notz: Was ist Kunst Hugo Ball
IRWIN: Icons

Format: 200x250 mm, softback
Number of pages: 144
ISBN 978-961-6509-59-6

Price: 32,00 €

Posted: 19. 7. 2019