

We would like to thank all the 136 artists for their participation and for sending us their creative solutions and artistic proposals!

The five-member jury of the Open Call Turn into the Wall consulted the 136 proposals submitted to the international call for proposals for a mural and announced the German street artist Krashkid from Hamburg as the winner.


The jury's reasoning is: "Krashkid is a well-known German street artist of the younger generation with a fairly extensive oeuvre and a consistent style. He is also part of the artist collective Guapo Sapo, which also includes street artists Ju Mu and Isakov, with whom he has participated in numerous urban art festivals around the world in recent years. His paintings are of vibrant colors, graphic, with figures full of character, usually engaged in a dialogue with the public space. He has also convinced with a consistent style, which is evident in his portfolio. With a lucid proposal, he has succeeded in connecting visitors with the content and mission of the museum. At the same time, the proposal created a bridge between the exterior and the interior, giving a new function to the existing building elements. The mural is both playful and invites interaction."

Krashkid about his proposal: »When visiting museums I always observe the same poses in which people look at the exhibited objects. Since the wall has a visible window, I wanted to integrate it in my concept, too. The result is an artwork on which four people in these poses look at the window (and everything within it) as a work of art. I understand my proposal as a homage to the museum as a place of encounter and communication. Object, exhibitor, and viewer enter into a discourse. This can be formative, appreciative, challenging or even brief and fleeting. As versatile as the visitors of a museum are, as multilayered can be the experience of an exhibition visit.«

More on a variety of Krashkid works via instagram.com/krashkid

The Open Call also includes the selection of 10 finalists or proposals, which will be presented in an accompanying exhibition on the ramp of the turn. These are:

 AndreHZ, Netherlands
Miha Artnak, Slovenia
CT, Italy
Vuk Ćosić, Slovenia
Bradley Downey, USA
Dalal Mitwally, Jordan
Klara Perušek, Slovenia
Oliver Pilić, Slovenia
Irena Woelle, Slovenia
TROK ZEK, Slovenia

Krashkid's winning visual solution will be realised on the façade of the Ljubljana City Museum by the end of 2023. The visual proposals will not be made public until the opening of the exhibition.


About the selection process:
An international call for proposals for a mural on the façade of the inner courtyard of the Ljubljana City Museum was open until September 15. The five-member jury, consisting of Jani Pirnat (chairman) and members Name:, Jasper van Es, Janez Polajnar and Nejc Kovačič, considered the proposals according to the following criteria: originality and visual quality of the proposal, experience and consistent style of the artist, contextual integration into the museum environment and adaptation to the location, quality of the submitted presentation, feasibility and attractiveness for museum visitors.

The full text of the open call is available here: https://mgml.si/en/open-call/

Posted: 22. 9. 2023