
Immersium Heritage Field School

Open call for participation

Youth from europe, from the cultural and creative sector, will create immersive experiences for cultural heritage

Immersium Heritage Field School
Immersium Heritage Field School

As part of the project “Immersive Storytelling Driven Cooperation for Cultural Heritage Dissemination in Western Balkans” (funded by the Creative Europe program), The City Museum of Ljubljana together with the partner organization Balkan Heritage Foundation, is organizing the Immersium Heritage Field Schools at three archeological sites: Stobi (North Macedonia), Emona (Slovenia) and Viminacium (Serbia).

• August 29 – September 4, at the Archaeological site "Stobi" (North Macedonia);
• September 20 – 27, at the Archeological park "Emona" (Slovenia);
• September 27 – October 4, at the Archeological park "Viminacium" (Serbia).

The Immersium Heritage Field Schools are amazing opportunity for students and young professionals (18-35 years) in the fields of archaeology, history, art history, museum studies, marketing and management for cultural heritage, design, animation, creative writing and computer technologies from Europe to participate in one-week field school program.

This is unique opportunity for young representatives from the cultural and creative sectors to jointly work and exchange experience in designing new forms of narratives and creating new immersive cultural experiences for the visitors at the cultural heritage sites. Being among the first users of the Immersium App the participants will learn and co-create cultural experiences that provide unique travel in to the past and discover Roman time history by using augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), interactive narrative, gamification, 360 degrees’ multimedia, audio, music and SFX.

All interested young people from Europe can apply online at this link: https://bit.ly/3PDQ9NS
The application deadline is till 12 of August 2022.

For more information about the project, follow the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/immersivestorytelling , as well as the Instagram account @immersium.

The Immersium Heritage Field Schools are organized within the project "Immersive Storytelling Cooperation for promotion and dissemination of the cultural heritage in the Western Balkans", supported by the Creative Europe program or the European Union.

The project brings together seven (7) partners from five (5) countries, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Greece and Bulgaria, to introduce a new cooperation model for the cultural and creative sector in using immersive storytelling to enhance cultural experience. The project offers new perspectives for perceiving cultural heritage, through designing novel touristic attractions and user-centric experiences.

Posted: 2. 8. 2022