
Wild Strings Trio: Bendjistan

New album release concert

Wild Strings Trio is definitely one of the most unusual musical groups in Slovenia and is clear proof that music knows no boundaries.

Oct 2019
Time: 8 p.m.–10 p.m.
Location: City Museum of Ljubljana
Adults, students, seniors, visitors with disabilities
Wild Strings Trio: Bendjistan

Wild Strings Trio was born in 2014 in Ljubljana as a collaboration between Slovakian jazz violinist Petra Onderufova, French classical cellist Toby Kuhn, and Slovenian balkan guitarist Aleksander Kuzmić; united by a powerful enthusiasm, a deep commitment to each other, and a shared desire to create a unique sound and a novel style, they have challenged themselves to blend and highlight the various musical genres encountered along their respective ways. Their music, sending roots out into folk music and improvisation, involved arrangements and complex rhythms, has flowered into a powerful, insightful flow which intrigues, touches and delights audiences all over Europe.They enjoy performing in all settings, from the streets to the big stages, art galleries to live bars, sharing their pleasure, dedication and excitement with their public wherever they go. Lost Weekend, recorded in the autumn of 2015, is their first album.


YouTUBE: Wild Strings Trio


Tickets at the City Museum: Door 10EUR, early reservation 7EUR at wildstringstrio@gmail.com