
INDIGO – Rumours

The third edition of the Indigo festival is dedicated to rumours: a silent force that affects public opinions and behaviour. Rumours affect personal decisions and relations between people and communities. Rumours are politics, rumours are a commodity, rumours are power, rumours are a weapon.

Sep 2018
Time: 3 p.m.
Location: Trg francoske revolucije, Križevniška ulica, Gosposka ulica, Gregorčičeva ulica, Vegova ulica, Novi trg, Tobačna ulica
Adults, students, seniors
INDIGO – Rumours

Wednesday5. 9. 2018

15.00–19.00, Trg francoske revolucije 
RogLab: "Smart" T-shirt workshop

17.00–20.00, Trg francoske revolucije 
Hair editing by Robert: Hair cutting in the street

17.00, TAM-TAM’s Street Gallery
Seeing Eye Awareness, opening of the simultaneous exhibition

17.00 & 18.00, Tobacco 001 Cultural Centre
Dušica Dražić, Wim Janssen: Projektor, film projection

18.00, City Museum of Ljubljana
Experimental Jetset, a lecture by the notorious Amsterdam-based design collective about their 20+ years plus of pillaging the remains of modernism, post-punk and pop culture

19.30, Match Gallery 
Seeing Eye Awareness, opening of the exhibition

20.00, Mini Theatre Ljubljana 
Tadeusz Słobodzianek: Our Class, theatre performance

20.30, Trg francoske revolucije 
Mr.Lee & IvaneSky, a concert of the alternative music duo Damir Martinović - Mrle and Ivanka Mazurkijević

22.00, Trg francoske revolucije
DJ Božo & DJ Sladki greh

Thursday6. 9. 2018

15.00–19.00, Trg francoske revolucije
RogLab: "Smart" T-shirt workshop

15.00–20.00, ZRC SAZU, Atrium 
INDIGO x Caffeine Hours 2018, art book fair and hanging out with beautiful books

17.00, ZRC SAZU, Atrium  
Bráulio Amado, one of the most outstanding representatives of the new wave of New York designers will present his numerous projects for various mainstream and underground clients

17.00–20.00, Trg francoske revolucije 
Hair editing by Robert: Hair cutting in the street

18.00, City Museum of Ljubljana
Dražen Dragojević will hold a talk with the Irish writer Angela Nagle

20.00, Gledališče Glej 
Urška Brodar, Eva Nina Lampič: A Potential Performance

20.30, Trg francoske revolucije
LP film Laibach, a film about the first official Laibach album, released in 1985

22.00, Trg francoske revolucije 
DJ Marsh

Friday, 7. 9. 2018

15.00–19.00, Trg francoske revolucije 
RogLab: "Smart" T-shirt workshop

15.00–20.00, ZRC SAZU, Atrium 
INDIGO x Caffeine Hours 2018, art book fair and hanging out with beautiful books

17.00, ZRC SAZU, Atrium 
James Langdon, the revered gem of the international design scene – an English designer, lecturer and writer – will present the reasons that prompted him to study the life and work of Norman Potter, the British Christian anarchist and designer

17.00–20.00, Trg francoske revolucije
Hair editing by Robert: Hair cutting in the street

18.00, City Museum of Ljubljana
Mladen Dolar & Henrik Jøker Bjerre, two renowned philosophers will hold a talk on the fatal powers of rumours

19.30, Mini Theatre Ljubljana 
Jami District, documentary theatre performance about the oldest nation in the world.

20.30, Križanke 
Laibach and Lviv Philharmonic Orchestra

22.30, Trg francoske revolucije 
Laibach after party feat. Ivo Saliger

Production: Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, Marsh Creative Production
Festival core team: Blaž Peršin, Marko Maršićević, Jani Pirnat, Janja Buzečan
Design programme and visual identity: Ajdin Bašić
Set design (Trg francoske revolucije): Tine Tribušon
Assistance with organization: Julija Hoda, Ajda Kocutar, Lara Mejač, Urška Aplinc
Partners: Festival Ljubljana, Glej Theatre, Kinodvor, Look Back and Laugh, Mini teater Ljubljana, Pekinpah, RogLab, Secondary School for Design and Photography, Ljubljana, Hair editing by Robert, ZRC SAZU
Media partners: Europlakat, TAM-TAM, Outsider, Radio Študent
Supported by: City of Ljubljana, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Vodovod - kanalizacija Ljubljana, Javna razsvetljava, Kino Šiška

Free entry – except for Laibach and Lviv Philharmonic Orchestra, Our Class and Jami District.

Festival website: www.indigo.ooo