
News: Cultural Centre Tobačna 001

Contemporary Lynx has picked five of Ukraine’s top artists, who are known for communicating directly with audiences using the international language of Art, and revealing Society’s state; it’s essence. The artist Anna Zvyagintseva who presented her work at the   ...

20. November 2019
Cultural Centre Tobačna 001

The current project presents the Macedonian tandem composed of Hristina Ivanoska and Yane Calovski. The artists express themselves through performance as well as conceptual and participatory art with a view to preserving and recreating history. Energetic and dynamic, their works ...

15. October 2019
Cultural Centre Tobačna 001

The art practice of Natalija Vujošević focuses on the transmission of life and reality into spaces of exhibition activities. She aims to do this in a number of different ways, but most often by transposing elements from nature, such as ...

21. August 2019
Cultural Centre Tobačna 001

Their recent projects investigate the phenomenon of man-made landscapes around the world, where the making and marking of landscape (as a form of spatial modification) goes hand in hand with heightened state violence and the over-exploitation of resources. Recent exhibitions ...

27. May 2019
Cultural Centre Tobačna 001

CC Tobačna 001 is nominated for the best art gallery by “Ljubljana in Your Pocket City Guide”. The annual vote, organized by “Best of Ljubljana”, takes place on the national Culture Day honouring the great nineteenth century poet and cultural ...

21. January 2019
Cultural Centre Tobačna 001