
Exhibition of the artist-in-residency Andrea Knezovic opening in Holon

Andrea Knezovic’s residency research focuses on the exploration of intimate and self-reflective notions of shame and shame’s relation to creativity. Her work revolves around various social experiments, which follow different individuals in their rites of passages regarding subject of shame. The project "Memento Pudorem" (Remember shame), is a compilation of research experiments made in collaboration with several individuals. First experiment is a Diary of Shame, in which four participants are given assignments to note and record, in duration of one month, their daily experiences of shame. The diary itself, serves as a mirror for one’s shameful experiences, giving participants awareness and confrontation concerning unpleasant sensation.


The second experiment, "Ode to Shame", is a sound installation, composed from a collection of sounds that participants produced in association with shame. The last experiment is revolving around material objects and remembrance; in this case specific shameful memory that participants associate with a particular object. The objects are signifying shameful memories connected to each individual, becoming material representation of one’s internal notions of shame. The objects that participants donated are set in medical jars, contained and permanently sealed in preservation liquid, symbolically representing monuments of shame.

Posted: 29. 12. 2016