
Fokus Grupa: Behind the Scenes of the Art World

"The two-month residency of the Croatian art collective Fokus Grupa at the Tobacco 001 Cultural Centre has facilitated the implementation of the project, entitled “Invisible Matter” and curated by Alenka Gregorič. In their creative production, the authors Iva Kovač and Elvis Krstulović employ various archives as well as visual materials which they use as sources for their collages and appropriations. Owing to their investigations into the workings of visual art institutions and relations in the art world within a wider region, their opus may be ranked among the latest works of institutional critique.”

Fokus Grupa, Invisible Matter, 2018
Fokus Grupa, Invisible Matter, 2018

"The art collective Fokus Grupa engages in digital investigations into the history of art, a discipline that is still in its initial stages in local art historical studies. However, unlike scientific research, it is able to convey its findings through the medium of exhibition, which has the capacity of addressing more diverse audiences. While the traditional ways of acquiring knowledge are becoming increasingly formalized, art provides a place for (fairly) free expression which, in the case of Fokus Grupa, offers not only research contents but also visual aesthetics, adapted to the media – computer software – utilized.”

The complete report, published in the daily Dnevnik (in Slovene), is accessible here.

Posted: 19. 11. 2018