
Valerie Wolf Gang is going to Israel

On the basis of an open call by the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, the filmmaker and visual artists Valerie Wolf Gang has been selected for the artist residency in The Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon. Filmmaker and visual artist works in the field of independent film productions and contemporary art practices. She regularly works with different media and creates multimedia installations which include her short films and videos which are exhibited in numerous international galleries and her work can also be seen at various film festivals and movie theaters.


She received a number of nominations and awards for her work, such as the national award Vesna for best study film at the Festival of Slovenian Film, award ‘Top Pick Jury Award Cinemasports’ in Taiwan, award EFF Film Fest in Portugal, nominated twice for the award ESSL Art Award, etc. She finished School of design and photography in Ljubljana and then graduated from the Academy of Arts University of Nova Gorica in the field of film, then completed the master’s program Media arts and practices with specialization in video film and contemporary art practices. She also perfected her theoretical and practical knowledge at the film academy FAMU in Prague and at the Academy of Arts ESAD in Portugal.

Posted: 20. 6. 2017