Apolonija Šušteršič
© Matevž Paternoster / MGML

Cultural Centre Tobačna 001

Tobačna ulica 1
1000 Ljubljana

E kc.tobacna001@mgml.si

Information and reservations:
T +386 1 24 12 500
T +386 1 24 12 506
E prijava@mgml.si

Exhibition space is open according to exhibitions:
Tuesday–Friday: 11:00–19:00
Monday, Saturday, Sunday: Closed

Free entry.

Apolonija Šušteršič

Politics "In Space". Action for Change. Research Project

19. 4. 2012–20. 5. 2012

A defining characteristic of artist and architect Apolonija Šušteršič’s  art is a critical, spatial practice, always location-specific,  trans-disciplinary, and conceived with research and collaboration in mind. Šušteršič’s projects deal with the relations between art,  architecture, and spatial planning, and with their social, cultural, and  political implications, questioning the predominant views on art and  architecture (views focused on the design and production of objects) and  broadening them to encompass the processes and relations generated  through the production of a space. 

The artist always takes a specific  place or its situation as her point of departure in her projects, and  starts by thoroughly researching it. She goes beyond mere critical  analysis in her research of urban and social spaces, formulating  platforms and proposals that offer new possible avenues for the  development and use of urban space and more active participation of the  public therein.

This exhibition presents Šušteršič’s project Hustadt, developed in  Bochum between 2008 and 2011, and Beyond a Construction  Site, which she has been developing in collaboration with the  association Obrat (Stefan Doepner, Urška Jurman, Polonca Lovšin) and  Nina Vidić Ivančič in Ljubljana since 2010.in Ljubljana since 2010. The exhibition presents documentary materials of the two projects involving the collaborative mapping of degraded sites in  Ljubljana as well as initiatives for urban revitalization that see space  as a constitutive dimension of social action.

The Hustadt project began in 2008 when the city of Bochum invited  Apolonija Šušteršič to carry out a several-month-long art project in a  public space in the suburban residential district of Hustadt. The project  eventually evolved into three years of negotiations, discussions, and  actions. The tangible end result is the community pavilion Brunnenplatz  1, co-designed by the inhabitants of Hustadt. This community pavilion (Gemainschaftspavilon) became a summer cinema and a kitchen, an herb garden and a bicycle repair shop, a place for organised events and  socializing, an info point, etc. It currently functions as a  self-organized community and cultural space managed by the local  street-culture organisation.

Beyond a Construction Site is a participatory intervention in a degraded urban site. Together with the local residents and other interested  participants, the association KUD Obrat is transforming a construction site on Resljeva Street, which had long been closed off and abandoned,  into a community space intended for gardens, socializing, educational  activities, and culture. The project underscores the potential of  degraded urban areas and their possible revaluation through temporary  and communal interventions, at the same time encouraging processual and  participatory spatial planning and urban ecological gardening.


Production: Museum and Galleries of LjubljanaExhibition curator: Alenka TrebušakArtist: Apolonija ŠušteršičText: Alenka TrebušakDesign: Ajdin BašićInstallation photos: Matevž Paternoster / MGMLRealisation of the exhibition: Technical Service MGMLThe exhibition was made possible by: City of Ljubljana, Department for CultureDonator: Tobačna Ljubljana d.d.

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Cultural Centre Tobačna 001

Tobačna ulica 1
1000 Ljubljana

E kc.tobacna001@mgml.si

Information and reservations:
T +386 1 24 12 500
T +386 1 24 12 506
E prijava@mgml.si

Exhibition space is open according to exhibitions:
Tuesday–Friday: 11:00–19:00
Monday, Saturday, Sunday: Closed

Free entry.