Nemanja Cvijanović
Nemanja Cvijanović, Death to Fascism!, 2013 © Matevž Paternoster/MGML

Cultural Centre Tobačna 001

Tobačna ulica 1
1000 Ljubljana

E kc.tobacna001@mgml.si

Information and reservations:
T +386 1 24 12 500
T +386 1 24 12 506
E prijava@mgml.si

Exhibition space is open according to exhibitions:
Tuesday–Friday: 11:00–19:00
Monday, Saturday, Sunday: Closed

Free entry.

Nemanja Cvijanović

Death to Fascism!

29. 8. 2013–11. 10. 2013

Through the prism of these photographs, Croatian artist Nemanja Cvijanović reflects on the present, a time supposedly free of totalitarian or authoritarian tendencies. A time of democracy that protects all citizens’ human and political rights, a time that does not equate their social and private lives or subordinate them to the goals of governments. Despite all the familiar definitions of democracy, we cannot shake the feeling that we are actually living in a time in which powerful countries are expanding their political and economic dominion over less powerful ones.

curator: Alenka Gregorič The exhibition takes its title from a slogan familiar to anyone who knows even a little about the history of the Yugoslav National Liberation Struggle. First published in August 1941 in Vjesnik, one of the leading national liberation movement newsletters, the slogan became generally known after the death of the national hero Stjepan Steve Filipović. When lynched in public in 1942, Filipović raised his arms and cried out as the noose was placed around his neck: “Death to fascism – freedom to the people!”, publicly condemning the German occupiers and the collaborationists. The three archival photographs featured in the exhibition, printed from negatives kept by the Croatian Historical Museum, do not portray Filipović’s hanging, but the shooting of some occupying troops captured after a several-day battle near Rijeka in 1945 and executed on the spot. Through the prism of these photographs, Croatian artist Nemanja Cvijanović reflects on the present, a time supposedly free of totalitarian or authoritarian tendencies. A time of democracy that protects all citizens’ human and political rights, a time that does not equate their social and private lives or subordinate them to the goals of governments. Despite all the familiar definitions of democracy, we cannot shake the feeling that we are actually living in a time in which powerful countries are expanding their political and economic dominion over less powerful ones. In the most general sense, this entails modernday imperialism by the great Western nations that were historically colonial powers. Many among them still have heraldic emblems such as eagles or lions in their coats of arms and flags, symbolizing power, courage, bravery, immortality, etc. The artist “gets even” with the animals represented in the coats of arms of ten Western countries of his choice, thus drawing attention to the continued presence of certain symbols that deserve to be at least discussed if not censured. Imperialistic tendencies, however, are not only nationally based but can also manifest in monopolistic capitalism, with the logos of large organizations and corporations that advocate ideologies, doctrines, and economic and political interests replacing heraldic emblems. For his project, the artist has invited the participation of anarchists, giving them handguns and real ammunition to shoot at targets emblazoned with the logos of their choice. In this way they were faced with the use and power of the same weapons wielded by the military and police when confronting them in defense of democracy at public protests. EVENTS Wednesday, September 18, 5 pm ARTIST TALK Nemanja Cvijanović Alenka Gregorič Thursday, October 3, 5 pm PROJECT PRESENTATION Alenka Trebušak


Production: Museum and Galleries of LjubljanaExhibition curator: Alenka GregoričArtist: Nemanja CvijanovićText: Alenka TrebušakDesign: Ajdin BašićRealisation of the exhibition: Technical Service MGMLThe exhibition was made possible by: City of Ljubljana, Department for Culture

Cultural Centre Tobačna 001

Tobačna ulica 1
1000 Ljubljana

E kc.tobacna001@mgml.si

Information and reservations:
T +386 1 24 12 500
T +386 1 24 12 506
E prijava@mgml.si

Exhibition space is open according to exhibitions:
Tuesday–Friday: 11:00–19:00
Monday, Saturday, Sunday: Closed

Free entry.