

Past exhibitions

Tobacco Museum
Tobacco Museum
Permanent exhibition
The Tobacco Museum offers a glimpse into part of Ljubljana's rich industrial heritage. The museum's presentation was created in close cooperation and from the collections of the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana and Tobacco Ljubljana.
Valerie Wolf Gang
Valerie Wolf GangThe Beautiful Face of Artificial Intelligence
24. 2. 2022–8. 4. 2022
At the centre of Valerie Wolf Gang’s artistic research lies the complex relationship between human beings and technology.
Neža Knez
Neža KnezThe Same Sweat is Still Flowing Through the Same Pores, Studies of Space #2 (Circulations)
16. 12. 2021–21. 1. 2022
The Same Sweat is Still Flowing Through the Same Pores (Circulations) is a multiannual study of space that uses personal narrative to discuss the history and identity of landscape as well as the intertwining of personal and general biographies, including their objects and subjects of study.
Saša Spačal
Saša SpačalMycoMythologies
22. 10. 2021–3. 12. 2021
In her work, Saša Spačal primarily explores the entanglement of nature and culture, focusing on how all changes are embedded in an infinite number of micro and macro feedback loops, driven by the metabolism of microorganisms, which are invisible to the human eye.
Danilo Milovanović
Danilo MilovanovićDecentralisation
14. 9. 2021–15. 10. 2021
Danilo Milovanović's artworks are literally rooted in the urban tissue, for this is where the artist finds his inspiration and where he is most likely to display his works. He addresses important social issues through works that analyse and question the gentrification and commercialisation processes that take place in urban centres.
Polonca Lovšin
Polonca LovšinMovement for Public Speech
10. 8. 2021–8. 9. 2021
The exhibition Movement for Public Speech by artist Polonca Lovšin is the first installation of the project in a gallery space. It is a project in progress that temporarily occupies a public space in an urban environment and encourages participants to communicate and act together.