
Artist Talk: Milijana Babić

We cordially invite you to join us at the conversation with the visual artist Milijana Babić. She is the current guest of our artist-in-residence centre and her solo exhibition will come in January 2017. The conversation with the Rijeka-based artist will be held in the context of Open Studios and will be moderated by Alenka Gregorič, the art director of the CC Tobačna 001.

Dec 2016
Time: 7 p.m.–8 p.m.
Location: Cultural Centre Tobačna 001
Adults, students
Artist Talk: Milijana Babić
© Matevž Paternoster/MGML

Dela Milijane Babić temeljijo na performativni umetniški praksi in se pogosto razvijajo v smeri kontekstualno specifičnih dolgotrajnih posegih v javni prostor. Izhodišče njenega dela je pogosto njena pozicija ženske in umetnice, ki jo preizprašuje v njeni neposredni okolici.