
About MGML

Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana is the largest public institution established by the City Municipality of Ljubljana at the end of 2008 through the merger of the City Museum of Ljubljana and the City Gallery of Ljubljana.

MGML showcases a rich movable heritage and is dedicated to presenting contemporary domestic and international visual art. The dynamic and current museum and gallery offerings ensure continuous engagement with both local and international visitors, popularize collections, and provide a modern perspective on the rich artistic creation in Slovenia's capital.

The locations of the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana include the City Museum of Ljubljana, Cukrarna, Plečnik House, City Gallery, Jakopič Gallery, Match Gallery, Bežigrad Galleries, Vila Zlatica, Ivan Cankar Memorial Room, Župančič Memorial Collection, and the Arheopark Emona.

Gosposka 15
1000 Ljubljana

TAX NUMBER: SI48922366
BANK ACCOUNT: SI56 0126 1600 0002 125
Bank: BANKA SLOVENIJE, Slovenska cesta 35, 1000 Ljubljana
IBAN: SI56 0126 1600 0002 125

Public Information

1. Basic Information
Name and address of the public institution:
Gosposka 15, 1000 Ljubljana

Responsible official:
Blaž Peršin, Director

Museum Authorities:
The Board of the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana consists of:

  • Anton Kastelic, President
  • Dr. Tanja Mastnak, Member
  • Jerneja Batič, Vice-President
  • Dr. Martina Malešič, Member
  • Dr. Blaž Vurnik, Member

The Expert Council of the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana consists of:

  • Dr. Bernarda Županek, President
  • Janez Kromar, Member
  • Jernej Hudolin, Member
  • Irena Lačen Benedečič, Member
  • Prof. Zmago Lenardič, Member

Date of the last catalogue update:
October 15, 2023

The catalogue is available online at:

2. General Information about the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana and the Public Information it Holds

2.a Information about the work and organization of MGML
Brief description of the field of work:
The Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana is the largest public institution, established by the Municipality of Ljubljana at the end of 2008, following the merger of the City Museum of Ljubljana and the City Gallery of Ljubljana.
MGML presents rich movable heritage and ensures the presentation of contemporary domestic and international visual arts. A lively and relevant museum-gallery offer ensures continuous engagement with both domestic and foreign visitors, popularizing collections and offering a modern perspective on the vibrant artistic creation in Slovenia's capital city.

Locations of the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana include:
City Museum of Ljubljana, Cukrarna, Plečnik House, City Gallery, Jakopič Gallery, Vžigalica Gallery, Bežigrad Galleries, Villa Zlatica, Ivan Cankar Memorial Room, Župančič Memorial Collection, and Archaeological Park Emona.

Mission Statement:
Connecting heritage with contemporary art is key to understanding our urban past and domestic and international views on modern artistic practices. MGML is an open platform for exploring how people lived in the past and how we can understand life in the city today.

In the future, the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana will be a creative, modern institution connected with its environment. Through an internationally comparable program, MGML will pioneer new conceptions in the museum and gallery profession.
With a diverse, accessible, and quality-focused program, we will emphasize creative approaches to enhancing existing professional standards in this field. MGML will become a space for synergy, learning, and a platform for new insights into our past, present, and future. Together with our audiences and collaborators, both domestic and international, we will create the museum and gallery of the future.

Leadership and Management of the Institution:
The institution’s governing bodies are the Director, the Board, and the Expert Council, which ensure the operation of the institution in accordance with applicable regulations and are responsible for the legality of its operations.

List of all internal organizational units:
The organization is divided into areas of the museum's professional activities (professional program) and areas of business activities (administrative and technical services).

The internal organizational units for the professional activities (professional program) of the museum are as follows:

  • Curatorial Department
  • Conservation Department
  • Documentation Department
  • Archaeological Research Department

Gallery Department:

  • Department of Contemporary Visual and Intermedia Arts
  • Department of Photography and Interdisciplinary Art
  • Department of Visual and Multimedia Art
  • Department of Contemporary Art and International Cooperation

Outreach and Production Department:

  • Communication Department
  • Education Department
  • Production Department

Administrative, legal, and general affairs:

  • Technical Services
  • Financial and Accounting Department

2.b Contact information of the official responsible for providing information:
Contact person:
Urša Karer, Public Relations and Promotion Department, Tel.: +386 1 2412 537; Email: info@mgml.si

2.c List of laws, regulations, and rules pertaining to the museum's field of work:
Legal and other foundations for operation (in Slovene language):

  1. Sklep o ustanovitvi javnega zavoda Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane (Uradni list RS, št. 116/08 z dne 9. 12. 2008, 25. 9. 2020, 11. 2. 2022)
  2. Zakon o varstvu kulturne dediščine (ZVKD-1) (Uradni list RS, št. 16/08, 123/08, 8/11 – ORZVKD39, 90/12, 111/13, 32/16, 21/18 – ZNOrg in 78/23 – ZUNPEOVE)
  3. Zakon o javnih financah (Uradni list RS, št. 11/11 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 14/13 – popr., 101/13, 55/15 – ZFisP, 96/15 – ZIPRS1617, 13/18, 195/20 – odl. US, 18/23 – ZDU-1O in 76/23)
  4. Zakon o zavodih (Uradni list RS, št. 12/91, 8/96, 36/00 – ZPDZC in 127/06 – ZJZP)
  5. Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov (Uradni list RS, št. 163/22)
  6. Zakon o delovnih razmerjih (ZDR) (Uradni list RS, št. 21/13, 78/13 – popr., 47/15 – ZZSDT, 33/16 – PZ-F, 52/16, 15/17 – odl. US, 22/19 – ZPosS, 81/19, 203/20 – ZIUPOPDVE, 119/21 – ZČmIS-A, 202/21 – odl. US, 15/22, 54/22 – ZUPŠ-1, 114/23 in 136/23 – ZIUZDS)
  7. Zakon o sistemu plač v javnem sektorju (Uradni list RS, št. 108/09 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 13/10, 59/10, 85/10, 107/10, 35/11 – ORZSPJS49a, 27/12 – odl. US, 40/12 – ZUJF, 46/13, 25/14 – ZFU, 50/14, 95/14 – ZUPPJS15, 82/15, 23/17 – ZDOdv, 67/17, 84/18, 204/21, 139/22, 38/24 in 48/24 – odl. US)

Internal Regulations (in Slovene language):

  1. Pravilnik o računovodstvu
  2. Pravilnik o notranji organizaciji in sistemizaciji delovnih mest v Muzeju in galerijah mesta Ljubljane
  3. Poslovnik o delu Sveta Muzeja in galerij mesta Ljubljane
  4. Pravilnik o obratovalnem in delovnem času v Muzeju in galerijah mesta Ljubljane
  5. Izjava o varnosti z oceno tveganja
  6. Požarni red
  7. Pravilnik o službenih mobitelih
  8. Pravilnik o poslovanju z davčnimi blagajnami
  9. Pravilnik o izvajanju tržnih dejavnosti
  10. Pravilnik o preprečevanju mobinga na delovnem mestu v javnem zavodu Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane
  11. Pravilnik o zavarovanju osebnih podatkov MGML

2.d List of strategic and program documents:

  • Strategic Plan of MGML

2.e The most important content sections of other public information or a list of individual documents:
Information sections / links on the website:

  • Public Announcements and Tenders

3. Description of the method of accessing public information:
Access description:
All information is available on the website of the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana. Physical access is possible by prior arrangement at the museum’s headquarters.
Contact person: Urša Karer, info@mgml.si